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Backflow Testing Tips, Requirements, And Services for Your Facility
Does your facility require backflow prevention? Backflow might be a foreign term to you as a facility owner or manager; it refers to water in your pipes flowing back into the city’s water supply, which can lead to contamination. The water should run in one direction, from the point of origin to the destination, but … Continue reading "Backflow Testing Tips, Requirements, And Services for Your Facility"
3 Preventative Maintenance Tasks That Will Improve Your Employees’ Satisfaction
Employees are more likely to be satisfied when their day can run smoothly. Hiccups like equipment failure can throw a wrench into their daily tasks and prevent employees from doing a good job and finishing the day strong and in a great mood. Adopting a preventative maintenance strategy can avoid these situations, putting your team … Continue reading "3 Preventative Maintenance Tasks That Will Improve Your Employees’ Satisfaction"
Estimating Month-to-Month Man Hours Needed for Facility Maintenance
Estimating the number of hours you will need to have staff onboard for facility maintenance can seem like a daunting task. How will you know if and when you will need the help? Like any business, the bottom line is profit and you don’t want to waste on unnecessary man hours. So how do you … Continue reading "Estimating Month-to-Month Man Hours Needed for Facility Maintenance"
Are Contract Maintenance Workers Really Cheaper than a Maintenance Staff?
Business owners tend to think that hiring contractors will save them money as opposed to having full-time employees. There are pros and cons to both options. Contractors run businesses of their own. If you think you’ll get them cheap, think again; the savings that most people think of when they talk about hiring contractors is … Continue reading "Are Contract Maintenance Workers Really Cheaper than a Maintenance Staff?"
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