

Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.

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    Preventative maintenance is too often overlooked. People tend to think of it as an unnecessary expense, but it’s not. An easy way to look at maintenance is to think in terms of offense and defense. Staying on the offense keeps you in the game and scoring, but always being on defense leaves other companies more … Continue reading "Pros and Cons of Preventative vs. Corrective Maintenance"

    You might be wondering what centralized or decentralized maintenance management means. Unless you have built a business or are currently running one, you may not have heard these terms before. If you are looking at building a business or going into management, then it may be worth your while to take a look at the … Continue reading "Pros and Cons of Centralized vs Decentralized Maintenance Management"

    3 Tips for Training Your Maintenance Staff
    Posted: September 04, 2019

    Training your maintenance staff properly is very important in keeping your business running smoothly. Staff must know what you expect of them and how to do it. Developing a training system can be quite complex, so you need to go in with the right strategy.  Develop clear goals Employees work better when they know exactly … Continue reading "3 Tips for Training Your Maintenance Staff"

    Florida has changed the law on vaping indoors in the workplace. As of July 1, 2019, the use of e-cigarettes in the workplace is no longer allowed under the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act. (FCIAA) Although vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes, there is still much research yet to be done about its health effects.  … Continue reading "Florida’s New No-Vaping Law Will Keep Your Facility Cleaner"


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