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Non-Medical Spaces in Medical Facilities That Need Extra Care
Medical facilities have the strictest codes and standards of hygiene among all other industries in the U.S. They must be nearly perfect to prevent the spread of disease and infection from patient to patient, and must do so on a daily basis. In order for a medical facility to meet this standard, they must employ … Continue reading "Non-Medical Spaces in Medical Facilities That Need Extra Care"
Understanding Commercial Restroom Maintenance
Contrary to what you may believe, your restroom is likely the most visited place within your entire facility. While your floor plan or office rooms may seem like the most important spaces because they are where work gets done, the restroom is a safe place for people to retreat, relieve themselves, and find solace after … Continue reading "Understanding Commercial Restroom Maintenance"
How Sustainability Standards Are Changing Commercial Facilities
“Sustainability” is a buzzword we hear a lot in the world of commercial maintenance. How to reduce energy consumption, create cleaner products, and reduce waste are all hot topics at conferences and in industry news, but very few of these big ideas trickle down into everyday small business practice. However, the ideas that do stick … Continue reading "How Sustainability Standards Are Changing Commercial Facilities"
Do I Still Need COVID-19 Protections In My Building?
It has been over two years since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the United States, and things have changed dramatically since then. Because of the months of a forced economic slow-down, many businesses are trying to catch up in 2022. Stores are returning to regular hours and operational models, but many of us still have questions … Continue reading "Do I Still Need COVID-19 Protections In My Building?"

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