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What is a Cool Roof System?
As businesses become more and more environmentally conscious, energy efficiency has become one of the biggest selling points in commercial real estate. Sustainability tech is the hottest trend for property owners and managers and can make a bigger difference to your clients than aesthetic choices or rent prices. If you’re interested in creating a more … Continue reading "What is a Cool Roof System?"
How To Fix Roof Ponding
Flat roofing is most common in commercial buildings because it is sturdy, affordable, and ideal for roofing options like concrete. The larger the building, the more likely it is to have a flat top roof. While these roofing systems are ideal for most conditions, they retain water much more easily than a sloped roof. With … Continue reading "How To Fix Roof Ponding"
Tips for Better Roof Maintenance Management
Roofing is one of your building’s biggest assets and one that is under the most duress from the outside elements. In Tampa, where MaintenX is headquartered, we understand the importance of quality roofing due to our turbulent hurricane season. Clients who take care of their roofing systems don’t have to worry about water damage and … Continue reading "Tips for Better Roof Maintenance Management"
The Pros and Cons of Overlay vs. Tear-off Re-Roofing
When renovating a commercial or residential roof, you have more than one option depending on what is being used to replace your existing roof. Most property owners assume you must remove the roof entirely before adding new shingles or tiles, but this is not always the case. In many instances you can overlay, or “re-roof” … Continue reading "The Pros and Cons of Overlay vs. Tear-off Re-Roofing"

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