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Three Things Your HVAC Technician Wants You To Stop Doing at Your Business
MaintenX specializes in commercial HVAC repair, maintenance, and installments across the country. We strive to educate our clients as well as provide service to them, to ensure they make the best decisions for their facility. However, we still see plenty of HVAC mistakes from our clients when working on their preventative maintenance. Below are … Continue reading "Three Things Your HVAC Technician Wants You To Stop Doing at Your Business"
Four Things Your Electrician Wants You To Stop Doing at Your Business
At MaintenX, we like to get to know our clients and provide them with as much hands-on knowledge as possible to make their maintenance programs run better. From DIY tips to advice on the latest equipment upgrades, we strive to arm our clients with information so they can do what they do best. However, there … Continue reading "Four Things Your Electrician Wants You To Stop Doing at Your Business"
The Meaning of Electrical Wire Colors
At MaintenX, safety is our top priority. From the training we provide to the precautions we take onsite, everything is centered around safe and reliable service for our customers. This is especially important for electrical work, which poses risks of electrocution and fire hazards if done incorrectly. One of the things that help electricians … Continue reading "The Meaning of Electrical Wire Colors"
Environmental Pros & Cons of Solar Paneling For Your Roof
Many companies are on the move to switch to solar in the next decade. This renewable power source is not only trendy because of its environmental impact, but can help businesses save by allowing them to generate their own power. However, solar is often painted as a problem-free solution, which is not the reality for … Continue reading "Environmental Pros & Cons of Solar Paneling For Your Roof"

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