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Three Smarter Roofing Designs For Your Facility
MaintenX specializes in roof construction and repair and is always on the lookout for better technologies for our clients. While most commercial roofing is either designed with concrete or an affordable shingle, there are many other options property owners should consider before remodeling or beginning new construction. Below are three smart roofing systems you … Continue reading "Three Smarter Roofing Designs For Your Facility"
Beautiful Flooring Options for Your Facility
Choosing the right floor is often a difficult decision for commercial property owners. It is not easy to replace in larger buildings, so the selection must be done right the first time in order to maximize value. But, as the commercial space changes tenants and develops wear and tear over the years, what is right … Continue reading "Beautiful Flooring Options for Your Facility"
Five Tips for Designing a More Elegant Commercial Bathroom
As a customer in any other business, you know how much of an impression restroom facilities can make. A spacious, well-designed bathroom can make your entire experience feel more relaxed and comfortable, while a dull, crowded, and messy bathroom can make a facility feel cheaper. However, this real-world experience often doesn’t translate when property owners … Continue reading "Five Tips for Designing a More Elegant Commercial Bathroom"
UPS vs. Backup Generator Pros and Cons for Your Business
At MaintenX, we recommend that every business, no matter how small, invest in a backup power supply. They are required for some industries such as healthcare and food service but can be a lifesaver for your employees regardless of the type of work you do. However, choosing the right backup power for your business can … Continue reading "UPS vs. Backup Generator Pros and Cons for Your Business"

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