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Four Hacks for Easier Roof Cleaning
Roof cleaning is a necessary burden for all commercial maintenance. Typically, it is neglected until visible signs of wear and tear are present on the roof. However, with a few simple tricks, you can make your roof cleaning much simpler, and in turn motivate you to schedule it as recommended. Use these four tricks … Continue reading "Four Hacks for Easier Roof Cleaning"
Five Hacks for Commercial Window Cleaning
Window cleaning is often neglected at commercial facilities, despite its many benefits for both tenant and customer. Clean windows allow for a more beautiful view inside and outside of your facility. They also create a new and clean appearance for visitors and show pride in the maintenance of your building. Plus, window cleaning is typically … Continue reading "Five Hacks for Commercial Window Cleaning"
Five Energy-Savings Tips from The Pros
In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we hear plenty of complaints from clients about their annual energy costs. The extended period of summer heat we experience, coupled with the size of larger industrial and commercial sites can make electrical and HVAC efficiency of the utmost concern for facility managers. However, making your building more … Continue reading "Five Energy-Savings Tips from The Pros"
Four DIY Maintenance Hacks You Can Use At Your Facility
At MaintenX, a job well done is our top priority. We always encourage clients to use professional help when they need it, and to schedule preventative repairs so they can avoid emergencies. However, there are times when a quick time- or money-saving maintenance hack can get you back up and running in a pinch. … Continue reading "Four DIY Maintenance Hacks You Can Use At Your Facility"

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