Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Five Mistakes of Hiring Maintenance Staff
Choosing a maintenance staff is difficult for many hiring managers. For those without maintenance experience, it can be difficult to determine who has the technical skill versus who simply puts on a good interview. For those who are in maintenance, however, it can be difficult to know what to look for outside of technical ability … Continue reading "Five Mistakes of Hiring Maintenance Staff"
How To Run a More Effective Maintenance Program With Fewer Maintenance Staff
Maintenance planning can be tedious for facility owners and managers, but it is a necessary step for ensuring peak productivity for the rest of the staff. Many times, one of the most difficult aspects of creating an effective maintenance program is determining what staff is needed, and how to reduce labor hours without hurting performance. … Continue reading "How To Run a More Effective Maintenance Program With Fewer Maintenance Staff"
Tips for Recruiting from Community Colleges
Those in the maintenance field know that fewer and fewer young individuals are pursuing maintenance fields as career options after high school. While the increased access to college education has offered many opportunities for the next generation, those who are not interested in pursuing a college degree often don’t know what other options they have. … Continue reading "Tips for Recruiting from Community Colleges"
5 Commonly Misunderstood Maintenance Terminologies
Like with any occupation, the maintenance industry is full of jargon that can be difficult for the outsider to understand. The average person may in fact have even less familiarity with maintenance terms than they do other industry-specific languages, with the exception of the rare handyman homeowner. This can cause communication issues between the maintenance … Continue reading "5 Commonly Misunderstood Maintenance Terminologies"

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