Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Four Maintenance Strategies That Are Essential For Hospitals
Hospital maintenance is one of the most important services we at MaintenX provide. The work hospitals do day in and day out is incredibly important to us and our communities. We take pride in serving hospitals across the country with HVAC, roofing, electrical, and plumbing services to help them do what they do best. … Continue reading "Four Maintenance Strategies That Are Essential For Hospitals"
Four Maintenance Strategies That Are Essential For Retail
Maintenance for retail businesses are some of the most complex programs we run at MaintenX. With many retail outlets, the stores are open late or 24/7, which makes routine maintenance a necessity. If anything goes wrong during operating hours, thousands of dollars can be lost in an afternoon. That is why we strive to perform … Continue reading "Four Maintenance Strategies That Are Essential For Retail"
Four Things You Didn’t Know About The MaintenX Team
If you’ve called MaintenX in the past, it’s likely because you had an emergency repair that needed attendance immediately. We are known for our emergency repair and preventative care services, but what makes us stand out from other contractor networks is our exceptional customer service. We build genuine relationships with our clients to provide them … Continue reading "Four Things You Didn’t Know About The MaintenX Team"
Roofing Repair: Expectations vs. Reality
One of MaintenX’s biggest services in the summertime is roofing repair. Next to HVAC work, this is our most requested service during this time due to the potential for hurricanes on the coast. Any wise facility manager knows that roofing repairs need to take first priority before the fist tropical storm or hurricane hits the … Continue reading "Roofing Repair: Expectations vs. Reality"

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