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Electrical Repair: Expectations vs. Reality
Electricity is to your commercial building what oxygen is to the body. Without a system to properly deliver it, you cannot perform any necessary functions. That is why we at MaintenX consider electrical repair to be one of our most important duties within the preventative maintenance strategy. Proper electrical maintenance will ensure a safe building … Continue reading "Electrical Repair: Expectations vs. Reality"
Plumbing Repair: Expectations vs. Reality
The plumbing system is one of the most important parts of any commercial facility. It provides the sanitization needed for bathrooms, kitchens, and other parts of the facility and maintains the high standard of cleanliness that commercial facilities must uphold. Because these systems are so vital to the daily operations of your business, it is … Continue reading "Plumbing Repair: Expectations vs. Reality"
HVAC Repair: Expectations vs. Reality
As we gear up for the hottest months of the year, MaintenX is preparing for the busiest HVAC repair season. Typically HVAC systems get overused in the summer to beat the heat, which can cause problems if a preventative maintenance plan is not used. Many facility owners have different expectations of how their system can … Continue reading "HVAC Repair: Expectations vs. Reality"
Preventative Maintenance, Explained
At MaintenX, we specialize in preventative care for commercial facilities. This is in contrast to what many commercial maintenance companies do, which is to rely on emergency maintenance calls for the bulk of their business. While this strategy (called reactive maintenance) is effective in certain cases, there is real benefit in planning for your maintenance … Continue reading "Preventative Maintenance, Explained"

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