Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Five Reasons to Be Wary of the Lowest-Bidding Maintenance Contractor
Facility managers have a tight budget to manage, and every dollar counts. More often than not you don’t have the option to increase your budget, especially when it comes to preventative maintenance. However, there are plenty of reasons to be wary of the lowest-bidding contractor as well. You should consider quality and craftsmanship above the … Continue reading "Five Reasons to Be Wary of the Lowest-Bidding Maintenance Contractor"
Backup Generators vs. UPS Systems
In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we are all too familiar with power outages. They happen during Florida’s powerful hurricane season and can wreak havoc on operating businesses in the area. Many facilities cannot accept power outages because they provide life-supporting or sustaining services throughout the area. Even companies that have the option to … Continue reading "Backup Generators vs. UPS Systems"
Is Renewable Energy Reliable? The Pros and Cons of Alternative Energy
Renewable energy is possibly the greatest and most formidable frontier of environmental conservation today. While many companies are changing the way they process, package, and ship their products to reduce environmental impact, many are still hesitant to rely on renewable energy for their power. And there’s a good reason. Much of the renewable energy sector … Continue reading "Is Renewable Energy Reliable? The Pros and Cons of Alternative Energy"
Roofing Material Comparisons
Are you looking to repair your roofing or potentially replace it this summer? If so, MaintenX can help you choose the right materials for a seamless installation experience. We specialize in roofing installation and repair and are familiar with many types of commercial roofing materials for all facility types. Choosing the right materials is the … Continue reading "Roofing Material Comparisons"

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