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Why Maintenance Vocabulary Standards Are Necessary
The words we use are more important than we often think. While this is certainly true in academic fields, it may feel odd to say that specific vocabulary standards are important in the field of facility maintenance. In reality, it is perhaps even more important to have maintenance vocabulary standards, as they are necessary for … Continue reading "Why Maintenance Vocabulary Standards Are Necessary"
Tips for Year-Round Weather Preparedness
In Florida, inclement weather isn’t just a problem for hurricane season. Bad storms and high winds can and do occur all throughout the year and can cause major damages to commercial facilities if they are not prepared for. If you are a facility manager or owner, you should always be thinking about how to best … Continue reading "Tips for Year-Round Weather Preparedness"
Safety & Maintenance for Defend In Place Facilities
When a fire breaks out, most facilities have the standard practice of evacuating everyone out of the building and allow fire suppression systems to mitigate damage to the facility. Some facilities take a different approach due to the circumstances of the people in the building. These types of facilities are known as defend-in-place facilities, and … Continue reading "Safety & Maintenance for Defend In Place Facilities"
Preventative Maintenance Priorities for Healthcare
Devising and sticking to a preventative maintenance plan should be a priority for every facility manager. When undergoing this kind of maintenance, the goal is to perform smaller modifications and regular check ups over time in order to prevent major repairs and emergency situations from being necessary in the future. The practice of preventive maintenance … Continue reading "Preventative Maintenance Priorities for Healthcare"

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