What makes a great Facility Manager?

Facility Management is not the easiest of professions, not only because of how much a FM needs to know, but also because of the frequent lack of available data. As we bring value to our companies, we must also share the information and skills we have learned with our fellow FMs, as well as those looking to make Facility Management their profession in the future. Here are some tips we’ve picked up along the way.

Analytical Skills

Facility Managers deal with many kinds of information and often have to analyze this information to make decisions. People in this field are also responsible for reviewing company procedures and guidelines and analyzing them to find ways to improve business and facility efficiency.

Communication Skills

Communicating effectively and efficiently is a valuable skill to have in many sectors, but in Facility Management it is a critical one. Facility managers must often talk with their employees and contractors to make sure everything is completed on time and in an efficient and effective manner. They must be able to clearly explain their role and get along with their coworkers, employees, and contractors.

Facility management is a very important feature of every business. When someone is in charge of managing the safety and maintenance of the building and equipment of a business, safety and well-being for all increases substantially, while the number of repairs, costs and injuries go down. To learn more about facility maintenance, call MaintenX at (855) 751- 0075.