Adding Quiet Outdoor Space to Your Facility

You have the perfect office, set up to be ergonomic and promote productivity. You have filtered air, natural light, and have created a healthy environment for your employees. What about the outside of your building? I’m not talking about how beautiful your landscaping is or how safe the lighting. Do you have a quiet, harmonious space for your employees to relax or enjoy a meal? Studies show that employees with access to a great outdoor space are not only more productive but also use fewer sick days. Creating that space for recharging could be your next facility facelift.


First, you need to select the best location. This space should not be in the front of the building, where higher levels of traffic occur. You want the space to be semi-secluded, which will help to promote privacy and comfort – ultimately leading to relaxation and recharging.


If you have limited space and a higher-traffic area is your only option, you can use clever landscaping to create more privacy. Trees or a strategically planted hedge can section off this quiet space from the otherwise chaotic world.


The next thing you must take into consideration is furniture. You need to balance the need for durability with comfort and design. If you are creating any space for your employees, you need to encourage them to use it by making it appealing. Nobody will want to go sit on a hard, wooden picnic table. Outdoor furniture with soft cushions is still practical and can really add to aesthetic appeal.


Another, and highly important, factor to consider is ambiance. You don’t need to make it over-the-top like a fine dining experience, but you do need to make sure that the right lighting and amenities are present. Many businesses have overnight employees who need proper lighting to feel comfortable and safe when using the outdoor space. You also want to consider local weather and climate. Outdoor fans or space heaters maintain comfortable temperatures, and if you’re in a wet climate, like Florida, you should provide overhead shelter.


If you’re ready to step up your facility’s game and offer a top-notch outdoor space, just know that it isn’t hard to accomplish. With the right amount of planning ahead, and engaging the right team to help bring your concept to fruition, you can easily offer a quiet outdoor space that will be happily used to your firm’s benefit and your employee’s well-being. Call MaintenX today to discuss options and start the process.