Storage Ideas for A Small Workspace

The dream of having the big office in the corner is starting to fade away. Not because promotions are harder to come by; rather, most offices just don’t have large offices anymore. Space is becoming a bigger issue due to a tight labor market and high property values. Whether you’re in a cubicle, shared office or small home office, storage is a problem; reserving space for employees is obviously a more economical use of square footage. Here are a few tips to make the most of your space.


Utilize your walls! Everyone has at least one wall in their dedicated workspace. Floating shelves are a great way to create extra storage. Shelves can house everything from paper organizers to staplers and tape dispensers. Shelves also allow you to get the non-essential items off your desktop, freeing up space to spread out and get down to work.


Get your desk tech off the desk. You can easily find desktop risers for your computer monitor and telephone. These are basically platforms with drawers and allow you to get back some space generally taken up by your tech. These drawers are also great when you are limited on standard desk drawer space or file cabinets.


If you can’t go outward, go upward. This one is a little tricky in some instances, but you have a lot of unused space above you. Using hooks and hanging bins, you can create a floating bin system for general organization. Depending on your style, you can also use these bins as trendy decor.


There are plenty of ways to store your stuff, even in the smallest of spaces. Whether you install shelves on the wall or just do some general desk organization, every little bit helps. The most important thing to remember is to just have fun with it and get creative.