3 Skills a Facility Manager Must Have


Facility management is an all-encompassing field, and it asks a lot from those who work in it. However, like any other position of authority, there are certain technical skills that a facility manager must have to be successful. Here are a few traits to look for in a strong facility manager to ensure your business is in good hands.

1. Management Skills

Facilities management includes include a never-ending list of work orders, preventative maintenance appointments and repair calls. It’s important that facility managers are able to manage their team’s workload and rely on a sound work order management structure to accomplish all of the tasks at hand. With so many different aspects of a facility to oversee, being able to make informed decisions based on all of the information provided is critical. These skills will mean your facility will always be performing at peak efficiency.

2. Strong Communication

Not only do you want your facility manager to do great work for your company, you want to be kept in the loop about it. Keeping the client informed about tasks and helping them to understand next steps is important. This clear and succinct communication carries over to employees as well.

3. Compassion

A successful facility manager has to have compassion. You want an individual who will put him or herself into the shoes of your employees or customers to ensure they receive an excellent experience when inside your facility. You want to work to create a happy and healthy work environment, and so should your facility manager.

These are all very important characteristics to keep in mind when assessing your facility manager. With these helpful insights, you’ll be sure to find a fantastic partner to help take care of your facility.