Maintenance Tips For Stone Flooring

Stone flooring is one of the most attractive options for commercial facilities. This natural and long-lasting option is expensive, but adds an elegance unmatched by other types of commercial flooring. While they are exceedingly attractive, stone flooring requires special care that you as the facility manager should know. However, far too many facility managers don’t make the call for professional cleaning soon enough, and their stone floors suffer. 

Stone flooring is one of the few natural flooring options available, in addition to hardwood which can also be pricey (and not as long-lasting). Unlike ceramics, they are simply cut into tiles rather than manufactured specifically for flooring. This means that you will need to pay attention to the types of cleaners, procedures, and foot traffic your stone flooring is exposed to. Below are just a few ways in which you can protect the stone flooring installed at your facility: 

Placemats at entrances. 

Placemats are oftentimes underrated when considering preventative maintenance in a commercial space. They are not just used for aesthetics. They can quickly reduce the amount of outside dirt, snow, and other intruders brought inside your facility. Placing placemats at every entrance can be the first defense against damage to your stone flooring. 

Sweep and vacuum regularly. 

Sweeping and vacuuming should always be done before you mop. This helps to remove the largest debris and dirt particles before you introduce cleaners. This is also the simplest and fastest way to clean stone flooring on a daily basis. Sweeping up at closing will help you maintain a clean appearance to customers. 

Use the right cleaners. 

Many commercial facilities use all-purpose household cleaners on their stone flooring. At best, this can leave a detergent residue that will eventually cloud the shininess of your stone flooring. If the household cleaners are acidic, they can cause real damage to the floor if not rinsed immediately after use. When household cleaners leave a residue or start to degrade the polish of the stone, a professional cleaning will be needed. If you are looking to clean in-house, use a neutral cleaner made for natural stone and be sure to change out the water frequently to avoid bringing new contaminants in. 

Clean grout thoroughly.

Typically, the grout between stone tiles is the most problematic part of the floor. They are the lowest point, which means water will contribute to dirt buildup between the tiles. Grout also has the tendency to chip and break away, which can put your tiles in danger of breaking. Be sure to clean your grout thoroughly and replace it immediately when it chips. 

Stone floors can make your commercial facility look stunning, but only if it is properly maintained. For professional floor cleaning services and pricing, contact the MaintenX team!


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