Rethinking Your Office Space Design for 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic changed more than our health protocols throughout 2020 and 2021. The already shifting workforce was suddenly thrust into a purely tech-driven world, where remote working digital efficiency was paramount even for the most traditional brick and mortar businesses. Everyone from retailers to medical facilities and even restaurants switched to digital shopping and work experiences, with some deciding to never look back. 

Now, it’s not uncommon at all for employees to work 100% from home or have hybrid office spaces where coming into the office is optional. The need for desk space is becoming less and less common, especially with the increasing efficiency of mobile devices for work. 

In this rapidly changing office world, how will your business keep up?

MaintenX has seen this change coming for a while, and the past two years have truly pushed the modern office revolution to its max. We have a few recommendations for businesses as they embrace this transformation to create a simpler, more tech-friendly workplace. 

Create healthy, safe spaces.

Even with many states going back to pre-pandemic health regulations, many professionals are still taking precautions on their own to avoid COVID-19 risks. As you invite workers back to the office, making social distancing an easy option is paramount. Open office spaces set up for smaller groups to congregate are becoming much more popular than the cramped office spaces and large conference rooms of the past. Instead of traditional office spaces, add more home-like furniture such as comfortable recliners and small desk spaces to encourage small group collaboration and social-distanced working when needed. 

Connect to nature.

So many of us spent the better half of the past two years cooped up inside. As restrictions on outdoor events are lifted, people are craving connection to nature and the ability to enjoy sunshine and fresh air again. You can meet this need in the workplace by adding larger windows, houseplants, and outdoor break spaces such as courtyards to your building design. 

This is about light and sound.

The pandemic pushed many people to work from home, which has unique comforts that many workers want to bring back with them to the office. Traditional noisy offices can be redesigned to offer quiet, comfortable spaces that resemble the home office more closely. Warm lighting, spaced out offices, and soothing ambient sounds instead of the office radio can help your more introverted employees enjoy the transition back to in-person working rather than dreading it. 

This year offers opportunities for us to modernize the work environment and make it actually work for employees. Rather than going “back to business” you can decide for yourself what you want your office space to be in 2022. 

However, no matter how you redesign your office, you’ll always need to go back to basics with your preventative care and renovations. For the care your building needs to stay up-to-date, choose MaintenX for your maintenance needs. 

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