Ask A Plumber: Five Most Frequently Asked Questions

When managing a commercial site, plumbing maintenance is one service you don’t want to skip. The plumbing system at a commercial site is not only responsible for sanitation but can be essential for services in medicine, hospitality, and the food service industry. Finding the right commercial plumber for your facility should be first on the list for creating your maintenance team. 

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we receive about commercial maintenance service, and what you need to know to get it right for your building: 

Is commercial and residential plumbing similar?

Residential and commercial plumbers go through similar training, but their qualifications are not the same. Both go through a technical school or apprenticeship program but commercial plumbers must complete additional training and become certified specifically for commercial systems. All work done at your commercial site should be done by a commercial plumber as opposed to your favorite local technician. 

How often should I schedule plumbing inspections?

Before remodeling or new construction work is done. You should also schedule a preventative maintenance check approximately every two years to catch maintenance issues early and to adjust your preventative care plan as equipment changes over time. 

Where can I find a commercial plumber? 

Many commercial plumbers work with a facility maintenance company that handles the dispatch and communications with the client. This gives you access not only to the best plumbers, but electricians, HVAC technicians, roofers, and other service specialists who can keep your facility in tip-top shape. 

What should I expect from my commercial plumbing contractor?

Most commercial plumbing contractors provide plumbing and pipework repairs, installations, remodeling, hot and cold water service, hydro jetting, backflow testing, and many other services for your commercial facility. Most top-rated contractors will also provide preventative maintenance services to prevent damage and emergency repairs on your plumbing system. 

Can I do basic cleaning and maintenance without a plumber?

Some on-site managers would prefer to do basic tasks like drain cleaning and the replacement of fixtures by themselves, but there are several reasons why you shouldn’t. Some plumbing cleaners, like caustic cleaning solutions, will do more harm than good if repeatedly used over time. Other seemingly simple tasks like replacing faucets and fixing leaks can not only go poorly if done the DIY method but can cause troubles with your permits and licensing come inspection time. 

MaintenX works with top plumbing contractors across the country to provide you with the best service in your area. If you’d like to learn more about your plumbing options with MaintenX, contact us today!

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