Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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How To Prepare Your Commercial Facility For Seasonal Shopping
Is your retail outlet, restaurant, or local boutique getting ready for holiday sales? You’ve likely started your email marketing campaigns and rebranded your website for big sales, but is your storefront equally ready for the influx of consumers? If you haven’t given it much thought, here is what we at MaintenX recommend you do to … Continue reading "How To Prepare Your Commercial Facility For Seasonal Shopping"
Help Your Facility Grow Next Year With These 4 Maintenance Changes
2020 has been incredibly hard on most businesses across the U.S. Even those who were able to stay open, like fast food and grocery outlets, were faced with unprecedented circumstances in staffing, safety, and customer demand. This year, we are hoping for a brighter future and greater strength to handle these trying times. While … Continue reading "Help Your Facility Grow Next Year With These 4 Maintenance Changes"
Budgeting Maintenance Costs for 2021
As we enter the last few weeks of 2020, facility managers are beginning to consider their plans and goals for next year. While maintenance budgeting may not be first on the list when planning for the new year, it is a vital aspect of your facility’s overall performance. Planning for preventative repairs, upgrades to new … Continue reading "Budgeting Maintenance Costs for 2021"
Preparing Next Year’s Maintenance Plan
As 2021 rolls around, you should be thinking about your maintenance plan and budget. As part of your overall strategy, maintenance planning is an important step in reducing next year’s costs and increasing facility performance from the bottom up. Upgrades, increased preventative maintenance, and new staffing needs should all be addressed in your 2021 maintenance … Continue reading "Preparing Next Year’s Maintenance Plan"

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