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The Difference Between a Facilities Management System and a Facilities Management Plan
Facility management is the process and discipline of optimizing a building for commercial success. The facility manager ensures that tenants are safe, comfortable, and that their building performs at its peak without them having to lift a finger. A joint effort from the manager and their maintenance team creates a functional facility that serves it’s … Continue reading "The Difference Between a Facilities Management System and a Facilities Management Plan "
How Sustainable Design Helps You Meet Environmental Goals
This year, due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, people have become more aware of their impact on the world. They see how far one action can travel, and have become more self-aware of their decisions, actions, and how those things affect others. Businesses have done the same. Now more than ever, we are putting our … Continue reading "How Sustainable Design Helps You Meet Environmental Goals"
Water Waste And The Problems It Causes in Commercial Facilities
Wastewater treatment is a concern for all commercial facilities. Whether it’s simply draining from bathrooms and kitchens, or if you use waste water as part of your operations, it is a major part of your plumbing system and should be examined for efficiency and safety. Below are some of the most common concerns for facility … Continue reading "Water Waste And The Problems It Causes in Commercial Facilities"
Outsourcing vs. Staffing Your Own Maintenance Program
Facility maintenance is to a business what personal health care is to a body. Maintenance keeps a building in good shape through day-to-day operations and helps it recover quickly in the event of an emergency. And, just like health care, different services are required for different needs. You need daily resources to maintain your health, … Continue reading "Outsourcing vs. Staffing Your Own Maintenance Program"

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