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Stressed About Maintenance Management? Here’s How To Simplify Your PM Plan
Facility managers are exceptional multitaskers. They manage their maintenance teams, their staff, tenants, and all the moving parts that keep operations running smoothly. With so many tasks to delegate, facility managers need a strong preventative maintenance (PM) plan to back them up. This keeps everyone on the same page and prevents equipment breakdowns that could … Continue reading "Stressed About Maintenance Management? Here’s How To Simplify Your PM Plan"
Three Ways to Scale Energy Efficiency at Your Facility
Energy-efficiency is a hot topic in both the public and business world. Energy efficiency measures not only help to clean up our communities in terms of environmental preservation, but making these changes now can help businesses save money in the future. Recent data on the cost-saving potential of commercial energy-efficient equipment speaks for itself: Buildings … Continue reading "Three Ways to Scale Energy Efficiency at Your Facility"
Four Reasons You Should NEVER Defer HVAC Maintenance
At Maintenx, we deal with deferred maintenance every day. Clients new and old wait to call a licensed professional for their HVAC maintenance service, and pay the high price when a breakdown occurs. While we encourage all clients to invest in preventative care for their facility equipment, this doesn’t always happen. To demonstrate the importance … Continue reading "Four Reasons You Should NEVER Defer HVAC Maintenance"
Throwing An Onsite Event? Add These Maintenance Tasks To Your To-Do List
The party is about to begin! Whether it’s a grand opening, a launch party, or the annual employee holiday bash, your onsite event carries a lot of weight with the company. You want attendees to relax and have a truly enjoyable time. Their experience may even be the difference between them choosing you over a … Continue reading "Throwing An Onsite Event? Add These Maintenance Tasks To Your To-Do List"

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