Three Ways to Scale Energy Efficiency at Your Facility

Energy-efficiency is a hot topic in both the public and business world. Energy efficiency measures not only help to clean up our communities in terms of environmental preservation, but making these changes now can help businesses save money in the future. Recent data on the cost-saving potential of commercial energy-efficient equipment speaks for itself: 

  • Buildings that are Energy Star–certified save up to 35% in energy expenses. 
  • Collectively, LEED-certified buildings saved about $1.2 billion in energy costs over a three-year period (2015-2018).
  • HVAC optimization (Energy Star and LEED certification)  alone can reduce commercial facility energy expenses by 8%.

Energy efficiency can impact savings at your facility on every level. The question is, how do facility managers maximize these savings throughout their operations? We have a few tips that can make it easier to achieve energy-efficiency at scale: 

Find your energy “hero.”

Every project needs a strong leader at the helm to guide it and keep key goals top of mind. The same holds with your energy efficiency goals. In order to scale your energy efficiency, you need someone who is proactively searching for solutions and ensuring that your goals are met. This person should have decision-making power, but also be experienced with day-to-day operations to make sure that your energy efficiency measures don’t get in the way of practicality. 

Budget for the future. 

Most companies start off small when upgrading to energy-efficient equipment. They will typically invest in a few small changes and plan to track progress based on accrued savings from the upgrade. The problem arises, however, when there is no plan after the pilot program. Many facilities will start with good intention, but fail to continue their energy-efficiency programs due to lack of funding. You need to prepare for scaling up energy efficiency by budgeting long-term, or by vowing to put savings from one energy-efficiency project towards the next.

Be consistent and focused. 

As with any project, you need to be consistent with your efforts. One energy-efficient upgrade needs to lead to the next, rather than leading to a dead end. Strategize with vendors, partners, and your energy-efficiency leadership to create a lasting impact on your facility. The more focus you put behind the project, the better your results will be. 

If you are interested in starting or accelerating an energy-efficiency project, talk to your MaintenX team today!

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