Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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What It’s Like to Become an Electrician
Electricians are the unsung heroes of maintenance. They work diligently to ensure that homes and businesses are always up and running with proper electrical output. Without your neighborhood electrician, home or commercial maintenance would be a lot more dangerous. Because of this, electricians can have very lucrative careers due to their high demand and skill. … Continue reading "What It’s Like to Become an Electrician"
What It’s Like to Become A Roofer
Roofing is a great trade in the construction and maintenance fields. It is a job that requires skill but no formal education, and can keep you healthy as it involves plenty of physical labor. Roofing is also in high demand no matter where you go. If this lucrative trade is something you may want to … Continue reading "What It’s Like to Become A Roofer"
What It’s Like to Become A Plumber
Plumbing is one of the most lucrative of trade jobs in the country. These everyday heroes help community members in their time of need, and do so with a humble heart. A plumber saves the day when a family’s pipe bursts and their bathroom starts to flood. They help a small business reopen after a … Continue reading "What It’s Like to Become A Plumber"
Repairing And Replacing Shingles After A Storm
In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we experience a yearly hurricane season that almost always results in one major storm or two. In the past decade, Florida has experienced two major hurricanes, one of which devastated the central Panhandle. Because of these high-risk storms, we are always prepared for emergency maintenance of roofing, plumbing, … Continue reading "Repairing And Replacing Shingles After A Storm"

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