Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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The Hidden Costs of Equipment Failure
Preventative maintenance isn’t as exciting as R&D, sales, or marketing when it comes to running your business. However, keeping your equipment in top shape is just as important as the more flashy and attention-grabbing parts of operational success. Your maintenance service is a worthy investment in your business. It keeps it afloat for long-term sustainability … Continue reading "The Hidden Costs of Equipment Failure"
Tips and Benefits of Electrical Preventative Maintenance
With winter in full swing, now is the time to ensure that your electrical systems are in tip-top shape. The last thing you want is an electrical problem to cause the heater to malfunction, effectively shutting down your facility. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we don’t face snow or sleet, but we serve … Continue reading "Tips and Benefits of Electrical Preventative Maintenance "
Four Tips to Become an Effective Maintenance Manager
The goal of any maintenance manager is to unite the maintenance team under one purpose: preventing equipment failures and improving efficiency across the board. This is the sole purpose of preventative maintenance and should be the primary measure of a maintenance manager’s success. If you want to empower your maintenance team to meet these goals, … Continue reading "Four Tips to Become an Effective Maintenance Manager "
Building Relationships Between Property Managers and Maintenance Staff
Property managers and maintenance staff often have a limited relationship. While they play vital roles to each others’ functioning at a facility, oftentimes property managers and maintenance workers do not communicate unless absolutely necessary. This leads to a minimal level of performance by the maintenance staff, and a lack of knowledge and leadership capability of … Continue reading "Building Relationships Between Property Managers and Maintenance Staff"

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