Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Emergency Maintenance After A Hurricane
MaintenX is headquartered in the beautiful Sunshine State. While Tampa, Florida is a great place to live and work, our coastline location puts us and our clients at risk during Hurricane season. In 2018 and 2019, two major hurricanes battered our shores and our neighbors to the east. Hurricane Michael, which devastated the Florida panhandle, … Continue reading "Emergency Maintenance After A Hurricane"
Eco-Friendly Initiatives You Can Implement At The Office
As a country, we are making great strides towards a more eco-conscious, sustainable future. Individuals and businesses alike are seeing the benefits of green technology and energy efficiency in their communities. While your business may be in the process of switching to energy-efficient or renewable technologies, there are several ways in which you can make … Continue reading "Eco-Friendly Initiatives You Can Implement At The Office"
Maintaining A Property During A Temporary Closure
If you own a rental facility, it can be easy to neglect maintenance procedures when there aren’t current tenants. If no one is using it, why invest in maintaining the facility? While many facility managers take this attitude during temporary storefront closure, maintenance is just as important then as it is when the space is … Continue reading "Maintaining A Property During A Temporary Closure"
How To Reduce Water Waste At Your Facility
Water is a precious resource that many of us take for granted. While it is renewable, water resources take an incredible amount of energy to process and make safe for public and commercial use. In addition to its costs, water usage takes a toll on the natural environment. Wastewater that is improperly treated can contaminate … Continue reading "How To Reduce Water Waste At Your Facility"

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