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Five Safety Precautions You Should Take While Running Maintenance On Your Equipment
Preventative maintenance is supposed to prevent safety hazards and equipment malfunctions. A facility that is well taken care of will be a much safer environment for staff, tenants, and visitors. However, some maintenance procedures have inherent risks to which you never want to expose your staff. The technicians at MaintenX are highly trained in commercial … Continue reading "Five Safety Precautions You Should Take While Running Maintenance On Your Equipment"
Commercial Energy Efficiency Incentives in Florida
Energy efficiency: the two words that will save your business and your community. During the long summer of 2019, many business owners suffered from exacerbated power expenses. Without investing in energy-efficient equipment and appliances, they struggled to pay the ever-increasing power and AC bills. Commercial energy efficiency is a hot topic for many of our … Continue reading "Commercial Energy Efficiency Incentives in Florida"
Does Your Facility Have A Power Outage Plan
Power outages may be a rare circumstance at your facility, but they are dangerous and costly. Storm-related power outages cost U.S. businesses between $20 billion and $55 billion every year. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we are all too familiar with the impact of power outages due to hurricanes. Just last year our … Continue reading "Does Your Facility Have A Power Outage Plan"
Tips for Backflow Testing At Your Facility
MaintenX is one of Tampa’s lead providers of backflow evaluation and assembly. Not only do we provide backflow testing services, but we offer resources to understand backflow testing needs for your facility. Here’s what you need to know if you’re interested in your facility’s backflow testing requirements: Most large facilities require periodic backflow testing as … Continue reading "Tips for Backflow Testing At Your Facility"

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