Five Safety Precautions You Should Take While Running Maintenance On Your Equipment

Preventative maintenance is supposed to prevent safety hazards and equipment malfunctions. A facility that is well taken care of will be a much safer environment for staff, tenants, and visitors. However, some maintenance procedures have inherent risks to which you never want to expose your staff. 

The technicians at MaintenX are highly trained in commercial and industrial equipment. We are able to handle your requests big and small and put your staff and tenants’ safety first. However, you should still invest in proper staff training for minor staff maintenance repairs, as well as safety training for usage of onsite equipment. Here’s what to keep in mind when working on your facility equipment: 

Don’t perform maintenance on working equipment unless you know it is safe. 

If you plan to perform maintenance on facility equipment or appliances, always decommission it before calling your maintenance staff. Equipment such as conveyor belts and heavy machinery should never be active while the maintenance staff is working on them. This can lead to severe injury, especially if the maintenance worker is unaware that the system is in use. If you call in a maintenance request, be sure to stop running the equipment. 

Wear appropriate safety gear.

Different maintenance tasks pose different safety risks. That is why MaintenX workers always come prepared with safety clothing and protective garments to perform maintenance on your equipment. You can be a big help by providing eyewear, masks, or special garments for your maintenance team or employees when they need to work on facility equipment. 

Don’t allow employees near maintenance work areas. 

Employees should not be present while maintenance is working unless specifically requested by the maintenance staff. The employee or manager that reported the problem may be able to provide important information to the maintenance worker, but they should not be close by while potentially hazardous maintenance work is being performed.

Know where your emergency first aid supplies are located. 

While MaintenX workers are very diligent when performing maintenance services, some accidents cannot be prevented. In the event of an emergency, the facility manager should know where your first aid kit is located. Long-term injuries can be minimized when treatment is provided immediately, even if it is basic such as providing gauze to stop bleeding. 

Have a no-tolerance policy for horseplay.

Horseplay is one of the most common causes of injuries in the workplace. This can also distract maintenance workers who could be performing complex and hazardous procedures on your equipment. Do not allow employees to “goof off” in the office or in any place where heavy machinery is used.

With these simple changes to your facility management and maintenance protocol, you can keep your staff and the MaintenX team safe while at work. To learn more about our services, contact MaintenX today!