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Design Ideas for the Modern College Campus
College campuses are historic institutions, but their architectural and interior designs don’t have to be. Today’s campuses have classrooms that are inclusive and engaging, and dorms that feel more like second homes than they do campus housing. The campus experience is changing, and so should your interior design structure. Below are some of the hottest … Continue reading "Design Ideas for the Modern College Campus"
The Importance of Safety Training in Facility Maintenance
Maintenance and construction jobs are some of the most dangerous occupations in the U.S. In fact, roofing and construction workers both ranked in the 2021 top 5 most dangerous jobs in the U.S. based on fatal injury rates per 100,000 workers. While protective equipment and safety regulations can prevent some of these injuries, the best … Continue reading "The Importance of Safety Training in Facility Maintenance"
Types of PPE for Facility Maintenance Staffing
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is the cornerstone of safety protocol for most maintenance departments. HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and roofing repair all involve dangerous work, and the technicians who perform it train for years to ensure they can safely complete repairs. They are well-versed in the types of PPE needed on the job, and as a … Continue reading "Types of PPE for Facility Maintenance Staffing"
Five Benefits of Exterior Maintenance Services
At MaintenX, we often prioritize interior maintenance as it is the cornerstone of most business operations. However, maintenance service on the exterior of your building is just as important for the functionality and aesthetic value of your building. By performing maintenance on exterior walls, appliances, and landscaping, you ensure your property retains its value in … Continue reading "Five Benefits of Exterior Maintenance Services "

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