Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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The Most Common Roofing Issues for Businesses
If you’re lucky, you never have to experience roofing issues while owning or leasing a commercial building. If you do, you’ll soon realize just how much of a headache they can become when you’re not prepared. Roofing maintenance is much easier than roofing repair and replacement, so we recommend avoiding these common roofing mistakes at … Continue reading "The Most Common Roofing Issues for Businesses"
The Most Common Electrical Emergencies for Businesses
Electrical work is something that scares most facility managers. It is a dangerous job, but one that your entire facility depends on in order to function properly for years on end. Without proper electrical maintenance, your facility is in big trouble when a power surge or outage occurs. Below are the four most common … Continue reading "The Most Common Electrical Emergencies for Businesses"
The Most Common HVAC Emergencies for Businesses
In Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, most of our businesses experience HVAC problems at least once during their ownership or rental of older buildings. HVAC machines are some of the most weathered components of your facility due to daily use and overexertion in peak summer and winter months. If you operate a commercial kitchen or … Continue reading "The Most Common HVAC Emergencies for Businesses"
The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies for Businesses
Plumbing emergencies are one of the most common emergency repairs we perform at MaintenX. HVAC, roofing, and even some electrical issues can wait until morning, but plumbing is an essential function for any business that can require a shutdown almost immediately. That is why we recommend regular hydro-jetting and preventative care services to limit plumbing … Continue reading "The Most Common Plumbing Emergencies for Businesses"

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