Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Planning Sustainability Goals for 2022
2022 is just around the corner, which means it’s time to start planning for next year’s sustainability goals and projects. With so much emphasis put on the COVID-19 pandemic the past two years, it can be helpful for your staff to start looking again toward the long-term future and invest in meeting sustainability goals. … Continue reading "Planning Sustainability Goals for 2022"
How To Attract Top Talent to Facility Management Roles
Facility maintenance and facility management are tough roles to find exceptional talent. It takes incredible diligence, accountability, and enthusiasm for a job well done that not all people possess. Oftentimes facility management roles are seen as boring, but nobody is more important in maintaining the excellence of a business than those who care for the … Continue reading "How To Attract Top Talent to Facility Management Roles"
Back To Basics: What You Really Need To Make A Facility Maintenance Plan Work
At MaintenX, we regularly emphasize the importance of a preventative maintenance plan. As the facility manager, developing a preventative care program is the most important thing you can do for the long-term health and productivity of your building. While there are plenty of tools, technologies, and strategies you can use to achieve high performance in … Continue reading "Back To Basics: What You Really Need To Make A Facility Maintenance Plan Work"
Can Your Business Become A Net-Zero Energy Facility?
The future is electric, and it’s coming faster than any of us expected. You see it on the streets with the rise of electric vehicles, and soon most buildings will also reach zero emissions with wind, geothermal, and other renewable energy sources as their primary source of power. But, is this truly a possibility for … Continue reading "Can Your Business Become A Net-Zero Energy Facility?"

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