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What To Do During a Plumbing Emergency
At one point during your facility management career, you are likely to come across a plumbing emergency for your facility. Whether it is a minor leak or a disaster that warrants a shutdown, as the leader of your maintenance team you want to be prepared for the unexpected. Plumbing emergencies not only compromise employee health … Continue reading "What To Do During a Plumbing Emergency"
Increasing Facility Maintenance Safety With Proper Training
At MaintenX, safety is our #1 priority every day. We take the time to give our technicians the best training possible and ensure that the equipment they use and the protocols they follow are up to the highest industry standard. It is this commitment to employee and subcontractor safety that puts us at the top … Continue reading "Increasing Facility Maintenance Safety With Proper Training"
Post-Summer HVAC Maintenance
In the summertime, your HVAC system is working overtime almost every day. If it is healthy and performing well, it can probably handle the added stress. However, even with a healthy HVAC system comes extra maintenance in the summer and early fall. At MaintenX, we encourage facility owners and managers to schedule time once the … Continue reading "Post-Summer HVAC Maintenance"
Layered Goals for Preventative Maintenance
At MaintenX, our main goal for clients is simple: we want to help you create a safer and more efficient commercial space. We do that through both preventative and emergency maintenance services and by providing exceptional customer service every time. When our clients trust us, we can get the job done faster and more efficiently, … Continue reading "Layered Goals for Preventative Maintenance"

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