Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Sustainable Landscaping For Your Business
One of the best ways facilities in 2021 can invest in sustainability is through their landscape design. Just like the rest of your building, it matters what you choose to invest in that will last for the future. As facilities make the switch to energy- and resource-efficient systems for their buildings, they should do the … Continue reading "Sustainable Landscaping For Your Business"
Common Problems With HVAC Systems During The Summer
It’s no surprise that your HVAC system is working double time in the summer. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we experience many more service calls for HVAC systems in the summer as opposed to the winter, because our winters are mild in comparison to the many months of blistering heat and high humidity … Continue reading "Common Problems With HVAC Systems During The Summer"
Daily Maintenance Tasks That Will Improve Your Facility Tremendously
As a facility manager, you have a lot on your plate to manage. Barring the occasional equipment crisis, you have preventative maintenance to schedule, staff to oversee, and new technologies to research and integrate into your facility for optimal performance. However, there are still plenty of daily maintenance tasks that you need to oversee in … Continue reading "Daily Maintenance Tasks That Will Improve Your Facility Tremendously"
How Much is Too Much Preventative Maintenance?
At MaintenX we specialize in preventative maintenance. From hydro-jetting services to routine HVAC repair and roof cleaning, we do it all. However, one of the questions we often receive from clients is, “Am I doing enough? Or am I doing too much?” Typically, we worry about clients skipping preventative maintenance services, but it is … Continue reading "How Much is Too Much Preventative Maintenance?"

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