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Fire, Storm, and Other Natural Disaster Preparedness Tips for Commercial Buildings
What should facility managers aim for when it comes to disaster response and preparedness? Should they look for ways to disaster-proof their facility? Or should they simply look for the best company to clean up the damage in the event of a hurricane or fire? At MaintenX, we believe that there is one simple key … Continue reading "Fire, Storm, and Other Natural Disaster Preparedness Tips for Commercial Buildings"
Four Benefits of Scheduling Preventative Maintenance For Your Electrical System
Most any modern commercial facility is entirely reliant on electricity to operate. We rely on electrical power for every computer, appliance, factory equipment, and facility essential such as a running HVAC system. Despite our overwhelming reliance on the electrical system, very few facility managers take the time to invest in electrical preventative maintenance. Your … Continue reading "Four Benefits of Scheduling Preventative Maintenance For Your Electrical System"
Fencing Maintenance for Commercial Properties
For many commercial facilities, fencing is nothing but an eyesore. Whether it’s old, damaged, or neglected, a majority of commercial fencing we encounter has most certainly seen better days. This may not seem like a big deal, but poorly maintained fencing can ruin your property’s curb appeal and weaken the security of your building. … Continue reading "Fencing Maintenance for Commercial Properties"
Tips for Choosing the Right Fence For Your Commercial Facility
Do you have a dilapidated, damaged or otherwise unsightly fence at your facility? It is all too easy to let this aesthetic feature of your facility slip through the cracks, but a poorly maintained fence can attract a very wrong crowd to your business. Fencing is not only a cosmetic feature, but an important part … Continue reading "Tips for Choosing the Right Fence For Your Commercial Facility"

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