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Five Tips to Make Your Job As Facility Manager That Much Easier
The job of a facility manager is often underestimated. You might be seen as not much more than an office manager to those outside the industry. But facility maintenance is the unseen burden that keeps a business going. Without your hard work and dedication, the building would fall apart. However, just because you hold the … Continue reading "Five Tips to Make Your Job As Facility Manager That Much Easier"
Four Common Commercial Floor Care Mistakes
Commercial flooring is designed to last for up to 20 years or more. However, because of the heavy foot traffic that commercial buildings experience, you will need to take care of your flooring to help it last that long. With a proper installation, maintenance, and cleaning schedule, you can help your flooring look better and … Continue reading "Four Common Commercial Floor Care Mistakes"
Tips for Getting The Most Out of Your Summer Landscaping
Summer landscaping is tricky for businesses in southern states. In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we often see clients struggle to keep their landscaping alive in the brutal summer heat. However, with professional landscaping maintenance and care, even businesses in warm and dry climates can make the most of their summer landscaping. Below … Continue reading "Tips for Getting The Most Out of Your Summer Landscaping"
The Importance of Scheduling Professional Drain Cleaning
Plumbing maintenance is one of the wisest investments a facility manager can make to preserve their building and its performance. Without clean pipes and a healthy water system, your building is susceptible to major shutdowns, contamination, and so much worse. If you take a few steps to prevent plumbing issues, you’ll save your facility thousands … Continue reading "The Importance of Scheduling Professional Drain Cleaning"

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