Tips for Installing Generators at your Facility

A generator is an essential part of a comprehensive emergency preparedness plan. Nevertheless, a lot of people don’t consider the details of how their generator will power their essential appliances when the power goes out. Here are some tips to get you started.


Understanding Different Fuel Types

In addition to the wattage of your generator, you’ll also want to consider the type of fuel it needs. There are benefits and drawbacks to each fuel type, so compare your options and find the right fit.


Gasoline is the standard option for portable generators, but some permanent generator models use natural gas. The disadvantage of this option is that they often have small tanks, meaning they have to be refilled often when in use.

Propane or Natural Gas:

This type of generator is a great choice for anyone who looking for a low maintenance, mostly hassle-free option. The main problem people tend encounter is a lack of availability of propane or natural gas in their area. Most have to have the propane delivered, and there are often state and local restrictions on the amount you can receive at once.


Transfer Switch

A manual generator transfer switch lets you securely attach a generator to your home or office’s circuit breaker panel, allowing you to simply and safely flip a few switches and disconnect your circuit breaker panel from the main power line supply and connect directly to your generator.