Water Leaks: Where Is It Coming From And What Do I Do About It?

Water leaks are a serious problem at your facility. It’s like watching money go straight down the drain. Not only are you paying for water that’s spilling onto your floors, but you will inevitably have to pay for repairs to the leak source, as well as any place that suffered from water damage as a result. This can put a large, unexpected dent in your budget. 

While water leaks can sometimes be prevented with professional predictive maintenance service, accidents do happen. When you notice a water leak, the first step is to call your MaintenX technician. The sooner you take care of the problem, the better. Next, follow these steps to minimize damage while you wait for professional help:

Step 1. Check the hot water tank. It is very likely that the water leak could be coming directly from the hot water tank. These tanks have pressure relief valves that, when hooked up directly to a drain, can occasionally leak. Check the drain pipe for leaks, or listen for a hissing sound. The hissing could be water spraying out of your pipes. 

Step 2. Check the bathrooms for leaks. Bathrooms are the most likely areas for facility water leaks. If you notice a leak in the bathroom, listen for the hissing sound of a leak. This noise can help you pinpoint the area where the leak is located, whether in a toilet or sink, which will make repair easier on your technician. If you don’t hear the sound, you can look for leaks in the toilets with food coloring. Add a few drops of food coloring into the lid of each toilet. If after a few minutes you see colored water in the bowl, then your toilet has a leak. Repeat the process with each unit and bathroom until you find the culprit. 

Step 3. Check your meter line. If you can’t find the source of the leak inside the facility, check outside using the meter line. If possible, find the shut-off valve to your facility to temporarily stop the water flow. Next, check the meter line to see if it is still turning. A small dial on the op will continue to move if the leak is between the meter and the building. This means that your leak is outside the facility, and can be more easily located by your technician. They may be able to locate it by looking for muddy, soft areas of the ground or inconsistencies in grass color and growth.

Unfortunately, even these techniques are not surefire ways to find leaks in commercial buildings. Even experienced plumbers can spend hours looking for the exact cause of a leak, which is frustrating for you both. However, by going through these steps while you’re waiting for your MaintenX technician to arrive, you may be able to expedite the process and save on maintenance costs.

For more information about commercial plumbing services, contact MaintenX today!