Evaporative Air Conditioning For Commercial Buildings

MaintenX is headquartered in Tampa, Florida, where the hot season can last seven months or more. Consequently, we are well-versed in the world of air conditioning maintenance. In Florida and in the other 12 states we proudly serve, air conditioning malfunctions are very common, especially in the summertime. Because of this, we recommend our clients invest in top-of-the-line units to prevent issues at their offices. 

While we perform preventative maintenance services for all types of units, there is one type of air conditioning system that is especially popular in the southern United States. Evaporative air conditioning systems (also known as swamp boxes, desert coolers, and wet air coolers) are an energy-efficient alternative to traditional vapor compression and refrigeration units. They are ideal for warm, wet climates, and have proven popular among our commercial clients. 

How Evaporative Air Conditioning Works

In an evaporative AC unit, hot air is transferred into a cooler, and then pushed through to the core by a powerful internal fan. The hot air passes through the core and heat is exchanged from a dry channel to a wet channel. The warm, wet air is exhausted outside the building, while cold, dry air is forced back into the building. Heat is transferred through the channels, but no moisture passes through. This means that the air becomes progressively colder but does not gain moisture.

Advantages of an Evaporative AC

Evaporative air conditioning units can be beneficial to commercial facilities in many ways. They are often less expensive to install, as well as less expensive to maintain because the only input is water. Unlike traditional units that require refrigerant, evaporative ACs only require water to function. This lack of chemical input also makes them more environmentally friendly. 

Evaporative air conditioning systems are also significantly more energy efficient. Because there is no compressor at the core, there is no influx of energy consumption when the unit is turned on. The fan and pumps require little energy in comparison to traditional AC units. This helps save costs all around. 

Disadvantages of an Evaporative AC

While evaporative AC units can lower facility energy costs significantly, they are not perfect. Because of their simpler design they are not considered as high performance as traditional HVAC units. They may not be able to lower the temperature in a large building as much as a regular unit. They are also unable to dehumidify, which in some environments can become uncomfortable for facility tenants. 

While evaporative AC units do not use dangerous chemicals, they do use a significant amount of water on a daily basis. Your energy bill will certainly go down, but you may have a slightly higher water bill as a result. Oftentimes the cost savings from lower energy consumption will make up for this expense, but each facility has different needs. 

If you’re looking into HVAC alternatives to your current unit, call MaintenX for help. We are happy to offer recommendations based on your facility needs and budget. We also perform preventative maintenance and HVAC repairs for affordable prices. Call us today to learn more!