How Reducing Your Building’s Environmental Impact Helps Your Bottom Line

Environmental sustainability is having a moment. It’s hard to find an aisle at Home Depot or Target that isn’t packed with products that claim to have environmentally sound ingredients, energy-saving technology or more responsibility sourcing.

But beyond marketing, what’s the benefit to business owners of going green? Can a company improve its bottom line while helping to save the environment?


The answer is yes. Better insulation, after all, translates into lower heating and cooling bills, and devices like energy-efficient lighting and low-flow toilets can slash utility expenditures.


For many businesses, changing lighting is more complex than turning out the lights after work. Most offices are equipped with old-fashioned fluorescent lights, which are more energy-efficient than incandescent bulbs but less energy-efficient than LEDs. Old fluorescents tend to flicker, and often produce a cold, unpleasant light. In addition, their bulbs can be expensive and difficult to replace.


Another way to cut electrical bills is by taking advantage of a free, limitless lighting resource that’s available to most businesses: the sun. In addition to lowering lighting costs, sunlight also improves the feel of an office and the morale of workers. Daylight gives employees a connection to the changing weather and the patterns of the day and reinforces their circadian rhythms.