How To Improve Performance and Extend Service Life Of Your Facility Equipment

In almost every commercial application, the success of the facility depends on the reliability of equipment. Without a properly functioning kitchen system, a restaurant cannot create a worthwhile customer experience. Without a highly functional warehouse, a retail outlet cannot maintain inventory and keep its sales evergreen. And, no commercial facility can function without a properly maintained HVAC, plumbing, electrical, or roofing system. 


Proper functionality and performance start with the right preventative care. If you want to reduce downtime and extend the service life of your facility equipment, here’s what you need to do: 


Write manufacturer recommendations into your maintenance plan. 

We often think we know best when it comes to the maintenance of our facility. However, the manufacturer of your equipment should be the authority for preventative maintenance required for certain assets. By incorporating these recommendations into your facility’s maintenance schedule you can make preventative care simpler to stick to. 


Don’t over- or underuse assets. 

Most facilities either run their machinery to the ground or fail to utilize or maintain it properly. For example, some areas of your facility will be in use on a daily basis, leaving very little time for maintenance and repairs. The areas of your facility that are underused are often neglected in the maintenance plan because they are seen as unimportant. Both actions, however, will affect your facility as a whole. Total facility maintenance instead, should be conducted on a regular basis to ensure everything is in working condition whenever it is used. 


Choose the right equipment and upgrades. 

Maintenance services will only go so far on poor or outdated appliances. If you want your facility to improve the longer you’re in business, be mindful of opportune times to invest in upgrades for your HVAC system, electrical system, and plumbing. 


Communicate with your MaintenX team. 

Communication is most often the missing ingredient to a high-performing maintenance team. By addressing issues immediately and building rapport with your local MaintenX, you can avoid costly downtime and improve your asset performance incrementally. MaintenX is here to serve your facility for the long haul, so never hesitate to call us to see what more we can do for your building. 


To learn more about ways you can improve asset performance with preventative care, visit our Resource Center or contact us today.

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