Air ducts are a seemingly insignificant part of your HVAC system that most facility managers don’t think about too often. For most facilities, they’re “out of sight, out of mind.” However, your air ducts are the single-most-important part of the HVAC system that maintains indoor air quality. They are the lifeblood of your system, filtering the air and supplying it to different areas of your facility.
Despite the crucial role that your air ducts play in the health of your facility, many facility managers neglect to maintain them as they should. Maintenance service is typically scheduled when dust starts to accumulate or when odors start to offend tenants. However, these are signs that your system has been running efficiently for quite a while. The best maintenance plan is the one that prevents these air quality issues from ever showing.
Air duct cleaning begins by putting the entire HVAC system under negative air pressure to remove dust particles. Different specialized removal techniques are used for different types of systems, which means that a professional should always be utilized to clean the ductwork. Your MaintenX HVAC technician can diagnose your ductwork issues and provide a customized cleaning solution with lasting results.
Typically, air ducts should be inspected, and potentially cleaned every year. Waiting for dust to accumulate or odor to spread is an ineffective way to schedule air duct cleanings, as this can cause damage to your system as a whole. While some facilities may not need cleaning annually, you should still schedule this service to prevent emergency maintenance services.
In most cases, ductwork cleaning should be scheduled after normal operating hours. This process can kick up dust and dirt which could be uncomfortable or hazardous to tenants. The HVAC system will also need to be shut off, so the indoor temperature may become uncomfortable. Duct cleaning equipment can also be noisy, all of which can disrupt operations. If you operate a 24-hour facility, there are accommodations your MaintenX team can provide to minimize disruptions or speed up service to minimize the closure.
Regardless of your facility’s size, air duct cleaning is essential for the health and performance of your building. MaintenX makes it easy and affordable to keep air ducts clean with our comprehensive HVAC maintenance services. We provide preventative care through a self-performing contractor network. Whether you want to schedule annual inspections or need an emergency service, MaintenX is here to help.
Contact us today for more details!