Maintenance KPIs You Need To Pay Attention To

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are beneficial in every aspect of your business operations. From marketing to manufacturing and every objective in between, the KPI framework offers insight into your business’ strengths and weaknesses. Determining the most important KPIs and using them for strategic planning can provide your facility with invaluable information for long-term sustainability. 

In order to attain maintenance goals, you need to be able to measure them. Just like with other departments, your maintenance team must be held accountable. There is no way to tell whether or not your preventative maintenance schedule is effective unless you can measure differences in equipment breakdown, reduced reactive service, or cost savings. These factors will hold your maintenance team to a high standard and provide them with useful feedback for course correction throughout the year. 

These areas are some of the most important to measure in order to determine if your preventative maintenance plan is effective:

Downtime. Reducing downtime is one of the main objectives of preventative maintenance. In theory, the better you take care of appliances and equipment, the less likely it is to fail on the job. You can measure downtime quite simply by recording any planned or unplanned downtime, including downtime due to scheduled maintenance. If your maintenance schedule is effective, your scheduled maintenance downtime will increase incrementally, but your unplanned downtime will be reduced drastically. 

Asset lifecycle. The other goal of preventative maintenance is to extend the service life of key equipment and machinery. Over time, you can determine whether or not your preventative maintenance plan is extending the lifecycle of your equipment. Measuring performance over several years will help you better ascertain whether or not your preventative maintenance is extending or shortening equipment lifecycles. 

Maintenance costs (preventative vs. reactive). Cost reduction is a lesser goal of preventative maintenance. While proactive maintenance service should help you avoid costly emergency repairs, it may include higher upfront costs. Be vigilant of this trend over time, rather than measuring on the onset of a new preventative maintenance plan. In time you should be able to notice a reduction in reactive maintenance costs as well as a reduction in required upgrades of old equipment (due to better care throughout the lifecycle). 

Work order response time. Service response times are an important indicator to measure because it shows how well your maintenance team responds to emergencies. If your maintenance team is lagging in service request response time, it could testify to a less-than-efficient or less-than-dedicated team. While some service repairs should not be categorized as emergencies, it should be the goal of your maintenance team to respond promptly and effectively to every work order. 

When you measure these critical indicators of maintenance team success, you can better create a culture of reliability and accountability at every level. MaintenX strives to deliver fast, effective, and transparent services to our clients. We continually strive to develop comprehensive maintenance plans that address client objectives while keeping costs low. To learn more about our preventative and emergency maintenance services, contact MaintenX today.

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