Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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What To Do After A Facility Fire: How To Help Your Business Recover
Building fires are a business owner’s worst fear realized. They are a terrible disaster that causes harm to your employees, patrons, and to the business you’ve worked so hard to build. While insurance can help you receive financial losses, there are intangible losses that even the best policies can’t cover. While a building fire can … Continue reading "What To Do After A Facility Fire: How To Help Your Business Recover"
Calming Colors for Your Office Space
Ready to give your office a fresh face? Perhaps you’re looking for ways to increase productivity or to renovate your building for a completely new tenant. If you’re ready to renovate your office space for a completely modern look, the first choice you should make is whether or not to repaint your walls. In many … Continue reading "Calming Colors for Your Office Space"
Tips for Painting Brick
Exposed brick has become increasingly popular in restaurants, retail stores, and other boutique storefronts across the U.S. The rustic style can create the perfect ambiance for small businesses, but only if it is done properly. If the exposed brick is not properly cleaned and painted, it will simply look old and neglected rather than rustic … Continue reading "Tips for Painting Brick"
How Prepared Does Your Business Need To Be For Storms?
In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, we are accustomed to the annual hurricane season that threatens our coastlines from June until November. While most businesses believe they are prepared for evacuation, they often miss critical steps that lead to damages that could have been prevented. Whether you live in a hurricane, snowstorm, fire, or … Continue reading "How Prepared Does Your Business Need To Be For Storms?"

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