Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Three Things To Know About Roofing Warranties For Commercial Facilities
Installing a new roof is an incredibly complex process for commercial facilities. When choosing a new roofing style, you’ll likely be consumed by pricing, colors, and installation time. However, it’s important to include the warranty protection as part of your decision. The roofing you choose now may be on your building for the next 30+ … Continue reading "Three Things To Know About Roofing Warranties For Commercial Facilities"
Three Hard Plumbing Truths Your Facility Manager Needs To Know
Plumbing repairs are some of the most stressful maintenance tasks for facility managers. Oftentimes they are disruptive and expensive. Plus, plumbing can cause major issues with our water quality or access. The best way to avoid expensive and disruptive plumbing repairs is to understand the needs of your plumbing system. Preventative care will help you … Continue reading "Three Hard Plumbing Truths Your Facility Manager Needs To Know"
Don’t Believe These Five HVAC Maintenance Myths
Facility managers aren’t maintenance experts. But, they have to make many critical maintenance decisions, some of which will affect the health and function of the entire building and its staff. Because of this responsibility, it’s important that facility managers understand the basics of HVAC maintenance, and the most common mistakes to avoid. Below are five … Continue reading "Don’t Believe These Five HVAC Maintenance Myths"
This Is How You Set Your Thermostat To Reduce Energy Costs
Your thermostat may seem like your enemy during the summer and winter months. Drastic temperatures can make it seem as if you’re always fighting between the power bill and the comfort of your tenants. However, at MaintenX, we believe it doesn’t have to be that way. With a few simple rules to control your thermostat, … Continue reading "This Is How You Set Your Thermostat To Reduce Energy Costs"

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