

Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.

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    Hopefully, right now you’re enjoying a long summer break after a tumultuous COVID-19 school semester. However, just because students are home, that doesn’t mean you can completely forget about campus. Commercial groundskeeping is especially important during the summer, as you can accomplish a lot more while students are away. Below are four tasks you should … Read More

    If you operate or manage a small facility, it’s likely that you don’t always hire a specialist for cleaning. For small offices and work spaces, many owners choose to do the cleaning in-house in order to save money. However, this is a practice that can cause a lot of trouble down the road. The cleaning … Read More

    Carpet is a tricky flooring option for commercial facilities to maintain. While it helps to reduce noise and can be comfortable for people who are on their feet all day, it is also the most time-intensive ption for cleaning. Carpet has the ability to hold onto dirt and odors, which means that a diligent schedule … Read More

    Hard surface flooring, such as tile, hardwood, and vinyl, are the most common options for commercial facilities. These flooring surfaces have a simpler maintenance schedule than carpet and look sleek in almost all applications. However, just because hard surface flooring maintenance is easy, it doesn’t mean you can use any method you wish. Each flooring … Read More

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