What Is The Optimal Office Occupancy?

Office spaces used to be designed for maximum occupancy. The era of the cubicle was a testament to this, and while it had its perks, there were many drawbacks that forced this office style out. The lack of personality, collaboration, and an often too-sterilized work environment made many companies question whether or not cramming their office spaces was the best idea for productivity. And, as America changes from a labor economy to an intellectual economy, designing the workplace for mental clarity and engagement is a top priority.

As office designs go from being practical to collaborative, occupancy recommendations may change. Before designing your office space, it’s important to take a look at several factors when designing individual desks and workspaces:

  • What type of work is being done
  • How often collaboration is necessary or encouraged on the job
  • The average customer-to-employee ratio
  • Whether employees value open or closed spaces for working; or both
  • How many employees work partially from home or in the field

Not all office spaces are built the same, and many are changing drastically in wake of COVID-19. In some companies, less than half of employees are returning to traditional office roles, while others are taking partial work-from-home options. This will likely lead to another social restructuring to blend the best of both worlds. More homes will feature modern office spaces, while more businesses will incorporate the comforts of home in order to retain happy employees.

The ideal occupancy of your building will ultimately depend on your goals, industry, business structure, and employee needs. However, no matter how many employees you have onsite, you must ensure they are provided the best office conditions possible.

To learn more about ways MaintenX can help you renovate your office space for the changing corporate environment, visit our Resource Center.

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