The Importance of HVAC Maintenance in Healthcare

HVAC maintenance is typical for any commercial facility, but in healthcare, this maintenance service makes a real impact on patient outcomes and bottom line. Hospitals, nursing homes, private practice medical facilities, and public healthcare buildings rely on a properly functioning HVAC system to maintain a safe environment for patient care. Slight changes in temperature and humidity can adversely affect patients, or put you at risk of mandatory closure. You may not have realized it, but your HVAC system is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your medical facility.  

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 4% of patients across the United States will develop an infection during a hospital stay. This is a problem that every hospital tries to address. One way to reduce the number of in-hospital infections is to take care of your HVAC system. High levels of humidity provide a perfect environment for bacteria to grow, and if the HVAC system isn’t cleaned regularly, it can circulate bacteria or viruses throughout the entire facility. The health of your HVAC system can help your facility reduce infection rates and keep your patients safe. 

High humidity can spread bacteria to any patient, but it can also put those with respiratory problems or compromised immune systems in further danger. High levels of humidity can make it more difficult to breathe and regulate body temperature.  However, higher temperatures can help cardiac patients with poor circulation or burn patients with painful open wounds. The ability to regulate temperature and humidity based on your patient needs is essential for any healthcare environment. 

Regardless of the needs of your patients, your HVAC system needs to run at peak efficiency at all times. For other commercial facilities, a poorly running HVAC system may cause discomfort to tenants or customers, but at a healthcare facility, it can be dangerous. If an HVAC breakdown occurs, you may have to transport patients to another facility, costing you greatly in both revenue and community reputation. This is a situation that should be avoided at all costs, That is why MaintenX offers comprehensive preventative care for healthcare facilities across the U.S.

We provide HVAC repair, maintenance, and preventative care as well as services for roofing, plumbing, electrical work, and general contractor maintenance. We work directly with the facility maintenance staff to create custom solutions that keep your doors open every day. With MaintenX by your side, you don’t have to worry about costly HVAC repairs or downtime due to emergency service. We are the one-stop-shop for all your HVAC system needs. 

Contact MaintenX today to learn more!

10 Steps For Proper Refrigeration Maintenance

The commercial refrigerator is vital to the operations of restaurants, bars, and foodservice businesses of all kinds. They keep your business afloat in a very literal sense, and therefore maintenance of the refrigerator is necessary for success. However, many foodservice facility managers don’t know the ins and outs of this piece of equipment, and what all can go wrong with its maintenance. 

If a commercial refrigerator breaks down it can wreak havoc on your business. And, if neglected, your refrigerator and ice machines can be the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and viruses such as salmonella, listeria, and E. coli. This can put your staff and customers at risk, as well as your business when you’re hit with health code violations and lawsuits. The best way to prevent this is by following proper refrigeration protocols at every level. 

These 10 steps should always be followed by your maintenance team to ensure your commercial refrigerator is running at peak performance: 

  • Clean the evaporator and condenser coils
  • Lubricate hinges and inspect handles for wear and tear
  • Check lines for excess moisture and debris
  • Calibrate the thermometers and ensure your refrigerator is set to the right temperature
  • Inspect the fan motor and fans
  • Inspect electrical elements
  • Inspect ice machine including filters for wear and tear
  • Clean ice machine thoroughly
  • Inspect insulation
  • Inspect for air leaks 

Some of these protocols are common knowledge, but some of them are more nuanced and should only be performed by professionals. Condenser coils, drain lines, and other components can be difficult to reach and some aspects of refrigeration maintenance can be hazardous. In most cases, a professional should handle these tasks with basic cleaning scheduled among the staff regularly. 

If you are interested in increasing the service life and performance of your commercial equipment, contact MaintenX today. We offer comprehensive HVAC/R repairs, installations, and preventative care services for commercial clients across the country. Our team is committed to exceptional service at every level. When you need the experts, call your MaintenX team.

Four Tips To Reduce Refrigeration Repair And Maintenance Expenses

Commercial refrigerators are the lifeblood of many businesses. Commercial kitchens, bars, and other businesses in foodservice depend on their refrigerators to keep their doors open. Unfortunately, despite their crucial role in operations, they are oftentimes neglected in terms of maintenance. If you work in a commercial kitchen, bar, or commercial facility with large refrigeration requirements, you likely run into these two problems: 

  • Your refrigerator is stressed by the foodservice environment. From hot grease to overuse, the refrigerator is one piece of equipment that takes a beating day-to-day.
  • Because the refrigerator must be in use 24/7, maintenance is often neglected. Issues tend to build up and become disastrous before they are addressed.

Maintenance is needed most for commercial refrigerators, and yet it is overlooked because of the high demands of foodservice. However, if your refrigerator is not regularly cleaned and maintained, maintenance emergencies can cause closures and ruin your reputation. However, you can prevent these disastrous refrigeration breakdowns with some simple maintenance guidelines: 

Check the refrigerant charge. 

If your refrigerant charge isn’t checked regularly, can lead to an untimely breakdown. You need to be aware of refrigerant leaks, which can only be measured and addressed by a professional. 

Maintain the drain lines. 

When the drain lines clog, they can cause serious problems for your refrigerator. However, they are very difficult to reach, so this job should be left to the professionals. Scheduling this service regularly will keep your refrigerator and its contents free of contaminants. 

Clean the condenser coils. 

Condenser coils are often covered by grime and can build up bacteria if they’re not cleaned. This can compromise the health of your facility and reduce the cooling power of your refrigerator. Don’t skip this cleaning service as part of your professional refrigeration service. 

Clean ice machines.

The ice machines are some of the easiest places for bacteria and mold to grow in a refrigerator. If they’re not cleaned, they can lead to the spread of deadly diseases. Ensure that your HVAC/R technician cleans out the ice machines with every professional service. 

These simple steps will keep your facility safer, cleaner, and more efficient. To learn more about refrigeration repair, installation, and maintenance services, contact your local MaintenX team!

Ask These 3 Questions Before Installing A New HVAC System

A new HVAC system is a major financial undertaking for any commercial facility. These complex systems take time to install, and can come with a scary price tag on the onset. However, upgrading your HVAC system can help you reduce maintenance costs and increase energy efficiency. So, how do you know when it’s time to upgrade your HVAC system? And what do you need to know before purchasing new units? Below we’ll dig into these questions in-depth to help you make the right choice for your business. 

Question 1: When do I know it’s time to replace my units? 

Many facility managers are reluctant to replace their HVAC systems because they don’t want to replace something they could instead repair for less. While there is no set timeline for replacing your HVAC system, there are several signs it’s time to stop investing in maintenance:

  • If your units are over 15 years old, maintenance costs will start to dramatically increase, and it may be more cost-effective to replace them
  • If your unit has been well-maintained, you may be able to extend the service life. However, if the unit has been neglected, replacement may be the best option.
  • If there is something mechanically wrong with the HVAC system, such as leaking coils or compressor issues, you may be better off replacing it. However, there are other inexpensive repairs that your HVAC technician can recommend to extend the service life longer if they’re not serious. 
  • If your HVAC system uses R22 refrigerant, which is being phased out due to environmental regulations, you may need to replace your system regardless of it’s current condition. 

Question 2: How long should my new HVAC system last? 

HVAC systems are built to last. They are designed to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, and with proper maintenance can be used for 15-20 years. However, the amount of time and resources you invest in maintenance will make a major impact on the service life of your system. 

Question 3: How often should I schedule HVAC maintenance, or should I schedule repairs as needed?

This question is most important and should be addressed by your HVAC installation team. If you want your system to last, you need to schedule preventative maintenance. Resorting to reactive maintenance strategies may seem as if it saves money, but it leads to faster breakdowns and problems that could have been avoided by proper care. 

The MaintenX team is here to help you put a preventative maintenance plan in place for your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems. Contact us today to learn more about our service options and local team!

Four More Reasons To Choose An Eco-Friendly HVAC System

The obvious answer is that “green” appliances and systems can help reduce the carbon footprint of a building, as well as reduce long-term energy costs. But, how does that actually work? And are there any other reasons to switch to green HVAC systems? Below, we’ll explore the answers to these questions, and help you make the right choice for your facility’s unique budgetary and heating/cooling needs. 

What’s your carbon footprint?

The term “carbon footprint” is thrown around in many discussions of environmental sustainability. It applies to both individuals and businesses, but businesses often get criticized more for increasing or failing to reduce their carbon footprint. However, the topic is more nuanced than facility managers may think. 

Your facility’s carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gasses used at your facility, both directly and indirectly. Your HVAC system in particular may generate greenhouse gas waste in the refrigerants it uses, as well as the electricity source it needs to operate. Your carbon footprint can also be impacted by indirect sources, such as the raw materials your facility uses or the pollutants created from supply chains. 

Reducing your facility’s carbon footprint requires careful attention to detail. Choosing an energy-efficient or “green” HVAC system is one way in which you can make a significant, immediate impact on your carbon waste. Green technologies are also proven to help reduce energy costs. These cost savings will continue to grow as fossil fuel-based energies become more expensive. However, these are not the only reasons to make the switch. 

Other reasons to switch to green technology:

  • Significant tax breaks – Many state governments as well as the federal government provide a number of tax incentives to invest in green technologies. Some states provide greater benefits than others, but every business should look into the benefits of upgrading to Energy STAR certified appliances. 
  • Help phase out R22 refrigerants – R22 refrigerant was once the standard for HVAC refrigerants, but it has since been shown to deplete ozone levels significantly. The EPA has made manufacturing or imports of R22 illegal and is actively encouraging companies to phase out the use of R22. The sooner you switch to an environmentally friendly unit, the more you’ll be able to save from the rising costs of R22. 

Green HVAC technologies can provide numerous benefits to your facility and to your community. To learn more about your upgrade options, including installation and maintenance services, contact your local MaintenX team today!

How To Get A Maintenance Upgrade Approved By Upper Management

The role of facility management is oftentimes a difficult, thankless position. You know as the maintenance expert in your building that an HVAC system will not live forever, and likely have put great effort into extending the performance life of your current units. However, there comes a time when preventative maintenance can’t do it all. It’s time for an HVAC upgrade, but not everyone will be on board with this decision. 

People never notice when an HVAC system is working perfectly. They only start to voice their opinions when it’s too hot during the summer or too chilly during the winter. If you and your maintenance staff are doing your jobs, then it’s unlikely that anyone will think about your facility’s system needs. However, as systems start to wear, it’s essential to upgrade to a newer, more energy-efficient model. 

So, how do you convince upper management to budget for this new upgrade, before your current unit starts costing you in repair time? Below are 4 proven benefits of HVAC upgrades you can use to make your case: 

Improved tenant comfort and employee productivity. 

It’s no surprise that tenants are happier when they have complete climate control in their space. However, the effects of temperature on productivity have also been studied, and there is a positive correlation to a cool environment and increased focus. While they may not be complaining yet, choosing to upgrade can help make everyone inside the building happier to be there. 

Health benefits from an upgraded ventilation system. 

“Sick building syndrome” is a serious problem for facilities with poor ventilation. When a ventilation system is not running at peak performance, bacteria and VOCs are circulated in the HVAC system. This can cause minor health problems such as congestion and exacerbation of respiratory illness. If you upgrade your HVAC system now, you can reduce the liability of the facility and keep your tenants safe.

Increased energy efficiency. 

An old HVAC system will require more energy to cool or heat a space than one that is running at peak performance. Many new commercial HVAC systems are designed to reduce energy usage not only for environmental reasons but to help reduce energy expenses. Since energy costs account for over one-third of building expenses, this is a compelling reason to upgrade. 

Reduce maintenance costs. 

There is a direct correlation between HVAC system age and maintenance costs. If your HVAC system is reaching the end of its service life (around 15-20 years for a commercial unit), you will inevitably spend more on repairs than is sustainable. The sooner you replace your units, the more you can save in unnecessary repairs. 

If you’re interested in upgrading your HVAC system, call your local MaintenX team. We specialize in HVAC/R installation services as well as long-term preventative care. Contact us today to learn more!

HVAC Maintenance Can Prevent Three Nasty Contaminants From Circulating Through Your Facility

Your HVAC system plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and safety of your facility. You wouldn’t think that your HVAC unit would be so important, but it is responsible for filtering out airborne contaminants. Some of these contaminants are found in industrial and chemical products, while others are found in the natural environment. 

Your HVAC system can filter out these three common contaminants that would otherwise put your tenants at risk. If you believe your facility faces issues with these contaminants, it could be time for an HVAC tune-up. Here’s what you need to watch for: 

Bacteria and viruses

Bacteria and viruses thrive in dark, wet environments. Unfortunately, your HVAC system provides that prime breeding ground and can help spread germs throughout the facility. This is known as “sick building syndrome.” When bacteria grow inside the HVAC unit, or when a tenant brings in a virus, those germs are circulated through the system and can cause harm to the entire facility. 

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

VOCs are gasses that come from building materials and some industrial cleaning products, and they can severely impact indoor air quality. Acetone, benzene, carbon disulfate, and formaldehyde are all very common in commercial settings. These pollutants are often emitted by common commercial supplies and appliances such as: 

  • Copiers and printers
  • Paints and adhesives
  • Carpets
  • Industrial cleaning supplies
  • Pesticides

Outdoor pollutants

You wouldn’t think that smog would be a problem inside your building, but the outdoor environment can impact indoor air quality if your HVAC isn’t sized properly. If your facility is in an urban area with high levels of pollution, you will need a higher performance HVAC system than if your facility is in a secluded real area. 

These pollutants can easily infiltrate your facility if you’re not carefully maintaining your HVAC units. If they do, they can cause a number of health problems to your tenants and staff including respiratory problems, congestion, eye and skin irritation, headaches, and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. However, you can prevent these problems by calling MaintenX for full-service HVAC maintenance. 

MaintenX is a top provider of HVAC repair, preventative care, and emergency services nationwide. Our contractor network is highly rated not only for their superior skill but for their dedication to customer service. To learn more about your HVAC maintenance options, call your local MaintenX team today!

How To Choose Your HVAC System Upgrade

Upgrading your HVAC system is a very expensive undertaking for a commercial facility. Choosing the right upgrade depends on a multivariable decision-making process, weighing the costs, energy-efficiency, performance, and ratings of each unit. While you may have an idea of what kind of HVAC unit you want for your facility, below are some factors you may not have considered: 

Has your space been recently renovated? 

Some commercial facilities decide to upgrade their HVAC unit when they renovate a space within the building. If you have expanded or downsized, you may want to reconsider the type and capacity of the HVAC system you buy. Not only will you need to consider the type of unit, but you may also need to reconfigure the duct system to better serve your newly renovated space. 

Do you have air quality issues?

Certain facilities and industries are at increased risk of compromised indoor air quality. Industrial facilities, salons, commercial kitchens, and laundry facilities can have an increased risk of chemical pollutants that can put tenants at risk if not addressed. If your facility is being used for one of these purposes or for an industry that could reduce indoor air quality, take this into account when selecting your HVAC system. You may also want to look into ventilation add-ons such as a filtration system or air purifiers. 

What will your space be used for? 

If you’re changing the usage of your space, you should consider upgrading the HVAC system. For example, an office building does not require the same cooling power that a gym or commercial kitchen needs. Your HVAC system should fit not only the size of the room, but the demands of the tenants. This is important to factor into your purchase decision. 

Are your current tenants comfortable? 

If you have no current complaints from tenants about your HVAC system, you could feasibly replace the current model with a similarly priced and performing model. However, if you’re having trouble keeping tenants cooled, heated, or if they complain about noise or inconsistencies in temperature, you will need to look into more powerful models. 

You need to think carefully when purchasing a new HVAC unit, but you don’t need to think when choosing your installation and preventative maintenance team. MaintenX is top-rated for both HVAC maintenance and installation because we always put the customer first. To learn more about our HVAC services, contact us today!

The Health Effects Of Too Much Humidity In Commercial Buildings

In Tampa, Florida, where MaintenX is headquartered, humidity levels are high for most of the year. This is exacerbated from May until September, most Floridians can expect to battle the humid weather on most sunny days. The typo inside and enjoy the A/C, but not every facility is built to combat high humidity. This can cause serious problems for you, your staff, and facility tenants. 

Most researchers agree that ideal humidity levels are between 30% to 60% for both comfort and human health. But, why is that? Many people don’t realize that excessive humidity can put them at risk for health complications, and can reduce indoor air quality in a building of any size. 

Humid weather coincides with heat. While your body has a natural defense to extreme temperatures — sweating — humidity reduces the effectiveness of sweating to cool the body down. Moisture is already saturated in the air, which means sweating only makes you feel sticky and can even raise your body temperature higher. 

The second way your body combats this is by sending blood to the extremities and away from the internal organs. This helps keep you cool, but can cause muscles to cramp or you to feel lightheaded. If you feel these symptoms, it’s a clear sign that you need to escape the heat and cool down. However, not all health risks of humidity exposure are this clear. 

According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Health, increased humidity levels can directly lead to an increase in dust mites and fungi in an environment. These contaminants can cause allergies to flare up or can cause harm to people with respiratory issues such as asthma. Mold and fungus growth can also damage your building, especially in areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, or areas with high moisture content. 

It is also well-documented that viruses are more likely to spread in areas where humidity levels exceed 60 percent. Humidity provides a warm, wet environment for bacteria and viruses to grow, and these pathogens can quickly spread through your ventilation system and harm the staff. In recent months, many businesses have been taking extra precautions to clean their HVAC systems to stop the spread of COVID-19 as humidity levels rise. 

But, it’s not just germs that stick around when humidity levels are high. Harmful chemicals are often released by cleaning products in a process known as “off-gassing.” These chemicals are more likely to be trapped in humid air and can cause health problems such as eye, lung, and throat irritation. In order to keep your facility safe from these harmful substances, you need to be proactive in your HVAC maintenance. 

High levels of humidity inside commercial facilities are oftentimes caused by an improper HVAC system or system maintenance. An HVAC unit that is improperly sized, that has inadequate ventilation, or that has not been properly maintained will not allow you to control humidity levels for your tenants’ comfort and safety. However, the solution is simple with MaintenX HVAC preventative care. 

At MaintenX we prioritize your facility’s needs and ensure that no matter what, your HVAC system runs at peak efficiency. We work hard so that your facility can work harder. For more information, contact your local MaintenX team today!

Maintenance Technician: The Recession-Proof Career

2020 has been a difficult year for many. As a country, we’ve seen record-breaking unemployment rates and a staggering number of small businesses close their doors indefinitely due to COVID-19. These precautions have likely protected thousands of Americans from the coronavirus pandemic; however, many are still facing financial struggles unprecedented in recent history. 

In the aftermath of COVID-19, many people are rethinking their career decisions and next steps. Some people, especially those who do not have fully developed careers, are looking for more “recession-proof” jobs that will help them regain financial security. One such job they should look into is the technical field of maintenance work. 

Careers in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, roofing, and general contractor work are essential throughout economic recessions, natural disasters, and other crisis situations. These careers thrived even during recent recessions, despite closures in most commercial industries. Maintenance technicians are needed at any time where HVAC units, roofing, plumbing, and electricity are essential, which means they can weather the storm of almost any economic downturn. 

This doesn’t mean that maintenance technicians weren’t impacted by the current recession. Those who worked with both commercial and residential clients had fewer calls for preventative services, and when commercial clients closed their doors, they lost valuable revenue. However, emergency plumbing, roofing, and HVAC services were never put out of business. 

Even in difficult times, people will always need these services. And these careers are highly flexible; with these technical skills, you can practice as an independent contractor or with a company. If, for example, you cannot find a maintenance contractor or business that is hiring, you can always start your own business using the skills learned through a technical school or an apprenticeship. 

If you are interested in jumpstarting your maintenance technician career today, visit our blog for more resources. Or, if you are an experienced HVAC, roofing, plumbing, or electrical technician, visit our Careers Page for current job listings.