Millennials in Facility Management

Facility management welcomes diversity as an industry because considering different ideas and methods makes businesses more productive and efficient. It is excellent news, therefore, that many millennials are choosing to enter the facility management field. It needs revitalization, and young energy and perspectives are the right kind of infusion.

Mastery of facility management only comes with experience, though. There are many things that one can learn in a textbook, but engaging with the real-world challenges that managers face every day is what strengthens their knowledge and allows them to excel. Millennials entering facility management are welcome because baby boomers are increasingly retiring, taking their knowledge and experience with them. Before they go, however, they are looking to pass on their skills to the next generation, to ensure the continued success of facility management.

What exactly is it about facility management that attracts millennials? According to Temple University surveys, the focus on sustainability is a major draw. Facility management is an excellent platform for young people to effect social and environmental change. In addition, the variety in the day of a facility manager makes it an appealing field, as many millennials shy away from monotonous or repetitive tasks. Facility management offers individuals a chance to both work hard and be creative, a perfect balance.

Millennials choosing careers in facility management strengthens the field and paves the way for the future. MaintenX is on the cutting edge of facility management and maintenance, and can help your business and its facility be the best it can. To learn more about the services we offer, please feel free to contact us at any time!