Our success as a company, as demonstrated through our customer’s satisfaction, is grounded in our Account Management philosophy and our laser-focused approach to work-order management.
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Preventing Safety Issues During Electrical Maintenance Work
Electricians are often characterized as very brave people. This line of work can be dangerous and requires great focus in order to achieve best results. When you have an electrical issue at your facility, you only want the best of the best to come out to the site and provide inspection. That’s why businesses in … Continue reading "Preventing Safety Issues During Electrical Maintenance Work"
Does Your School Campus Need These Maintenance Services?
Schools are the cornerstones of society. They are the place where young minds develop and shape the next generation of leaders. It is for this reason that we at MaintenX take school campus maintenance very seriously. We want our local communities to feel secure and confident in the facilities where they send their children to … Continue reading "Does Your School Campus Need These Maintenance Services? "
Three Critical Aspects of Hotel Maintenance Management
Guest satisfaction in the hotel business is much more than providing a bed and breakfast for travelers. Business guests want to feel refreshed, and vacationers want to feel relaxed. In order to take care of their needs, your hotel needs to provide all the comforts of home with a little extra sparkle to keep them … Continue reading "Three Critical Aspects of Hotel Maintenance Management"
The Hidden Value Within Your Maintenance History
Maintenance management is a complex task that requires cooperation from technicians and facility managers alike. One of the hardest parts of the job is keeping track of work orders, prioritizing requests, and improving service as you go. In order to achieve this, you must make the best use of your maintenance history. Here’s why: Effective … Continue reading "The Hidden Value Within Your Maintenance History "

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