What To Know About Preventative Roof Maintenance Programs

Facility managers are all too familiar with the importance of preventative maintenance. Regular cleaning and repair services for your HVAC, plumbing, and electrical systems are likely part of your everyday life. However, there is one area in which many facility managers neglect to invest: their roofing maintenance. 

Prioritizing your roofing maintenance will save you from many maintenance headaches in the future. Not only will you maintain the structural integrity of your facility, but you will effectively prevent water damage to the interior. It is also much simpler to replace shingles and waterproof a stable roof than repair a leak, close off an area of your facility for emergency maintenance service and pay for mold removal services. 

Most facility managers invest the majority of their maintenance budget into critical areas such as power and core infrastructure. While these areas should be your biggest priority in an emergency, they are not the only aspects of preventative maintenance that we recommend you budget for. Ensuring the health and integrity of your roofing will make your facility stronger and far less prone to emergency maintenance issues. 

A recent field study by The Roof Asset Management Program of the National Nuclear Security Administration showed that preventative roof maintenance can be a huge time- and money-saver for commercial buildings. This study showed the cost-savings over several years when roof maintenance was a top priority during construction and maintenance. By investing in preventative roof maintenance, they were able to:

  • Save approximately $7 million in construction costs
  • Add $19.3 million in facility value 
  • Increase the average predicted roofing lifespan by 25 percent

The numbers don’t lie. Essential preventative maintenance for roofing such as waterproofing, roof cleaning, debris removal, and regular inspections can add years to your roof’s life. When conducting a roofing maintenance inspection, look for these signs of wear, tear, and damage:

  • Dirt and large debris
  • Discoloration or chalking
  • Signs of mold and mildew on roof trusses
  • Movement in expansion joints
  • Water damage
  • Ceiling moisture
  • Deterioration around roof edges
  • Clogged gutters
  • Wear and tear on rooftop HVAC unit
  • Deposits, growth, vandalism, and other obvious signs of damage

MaintenX offers comprehensive preventative maintenance services for commercial roofing and much more. We strive to provide the best service for competitive rates. If you need help creating a preventative maintenance plan for your roofing or have questions about our services, contact us today!

What To Know Before Scheduling A Caulking Service At Your Facility

Caulking is not an exciting or glamorous expenditure for your facility. It won’t make your building shiny or impressive, but it will make your facility more structurally sound and energy-efficient. Investing in a professional caulking service will significantly reduce energy costs by providing a tight seal around every inch of your facility. 

Caulking is in the category of waterproofing services, but it does so much more. Caulking will provide your facility with an airtight seal that reduces air leaks, water damage, and outdoor contaminants like dust and dirt. You not only ensure your facility is kept clean and temperature controlled but will reduce structural damage caused by water leaks. 

Types of Caulking

Different types of caulk are used for different commercial applications. With over 30 different caulking substances on the market today, and hundreds of brands from which to choose, it’s best to consult with your maintenance team before deciding. Silicone caulking is the most common type of caulk for commercial facilities, with many benefits including a long lifespan.

Silicone caulking is made of several siloxane and silane compounds. These compounds react with water through polymerization and form a solid barrier that cures naturally at room temperature. Though Silicone caulking can be more expensive and time-consuming than other caulking methods, the end result may last up to 20 years.

When to Re-Caulk

While silicone caulking material lasts many years, it will eventually wear down or be damaged by environmental factors. You will periodically need to invest in recaulking services to maintain your facility. Some signs of caulk wear include:

  • Discoloration
  • Mildew stains 
  • Shrinking caulk (it will start to peel at the edges)
  • Cracks

If you see any of these signs of wear and tear on your caulk, it’s time to call the professionals at MaintenX. Re-caulking does not take much time, but neglecting to do so can lead to other maintenance issues you do not want to experience. 

MaintenX is a leader in preventive and routine maintenance services for commercial facilities. We serve 13 states with enthusiasm, professionalism, and competitive prices. When you need a fresh caulking or recaulking service, call your MaintenX team! 

Restoration Services For Commercial Buildings

Emergency damages are a facility manager or owner’s worst nightmare. At MaintenX, we have helped dozens of clients sort through natural disasters, major equipment failures, and other maintenance emergencies that caused massive damage to their equipment and workspace. While we work very hard to prevent these situations, not every instance can be avoided. When you’re in the midst of an emergency maintenance nightmare, you need an on-call restoration specialist. 

Commercial restoration services are essential to the MaintenX mission of serving our clients in times of need. We stress preventative maintenance and proper care of facility systems, but our emergency repair and restoration services are at the core of how we serve our communities. By promising efficient, effective maintenance service, we strive to make your trying times as manageable as possible. 

When you call MaintenX for commercial restoration service, we will arrive promptly to assess the circumstances and identify critical system repairs. This may include mold prevention, structural repairs, and maintenance services to eliminate safety concerns. After critical services are performed, we work from the ground up to repair or replace HVAC, plumbing, roofing, and other facility needs. By working fast and effectively, we help you get back to business as usual with minimum downtime. 

Our certified technicians are available 24/7 for emergency repair and restoration services. If you need service now, MaintenX is the one to call. 

Some of our emergency maintenance and restoration services include: 

  • Water damage restoration and waterproofing
  • Mold, mildew, and rust removal
  • Fire and smoke damage restoration
  • Rapid structural drying
  • Natural disaster emergency maintenance

Have MaintenX on call for your restoration repair. We serve in over 13 states and guarantee fast results. When you’re in over your head, you don’t want to call an unfamiliar face to help you through it. MaintenX guarantees quality work and honest prices throughout your difficult circumstances. Call us today at 855-751-0075 for help. 

What Are Waterproof Membranes In Commercial Facilities?

Waterproofing may not be the most glamorous of facility maintenance tasks, but at MaintenX we take it very seriously. This simple step in your preventative maintenance plan can save you many hundreds of dollars and headaches in the future. By investing in waterproofing services, you prevent mold, rust, and other water damages from eating up your emergency maintenance budget. One of our high-recommended waterproofing solutions is waterproof membranes. 

Waterproof membranes are typically laid in pre-formed sheets onto the foundation of the roof. This installation method ensures maximum protection of your facility from water damage. Some waterproof membranes are applied in a liquid form to the surface of the roof, which is ideal for older construction. Waterproof membranes can be used for roofing, interior and exterior structures, and foundations. 

There are several types of waterproof membranes designed for different functions, including:

Foundation waterproofing – Waterproofing your foundation is elemental to maintaining a structurally sound facility. Water can seep from under the foundation and cause damage, which is why waterproofing both the interior and exterior of the foundation is essential. Both liquid-applied and sheet membranes are used for foundational waterproofing. 

Roof waterproofing – Commercial roofing is put under exorbitant amounts of pressure. In addition to the large scale of commercial roofing, leaks are much more disastrous at commercial facilities. While some roofing materials such as concrete are water-resistant, the best prevention is to apply a liquid-based membrane. 

Retaining walls – Retaining walls should be given equal consideration when it comes to waterproofing services. They help you to maximize space, but are put under great pressure and therefore must be protected from leaks and cracks. Liquid-applied membranes are most common for retaining walls. 

Studies show that nearly 80% of facility defects are caused by water leaks and damage. Mold, mildew, and rust can ruin the foundation and interiors of your building in a matter of weeks. Don’t let your facility become one of the 80% — invest in waterproofing options that meet both your needs and budget. 

Waterproof membranes will save your facility from significant damage if applied early. If you wait until signs of water damage occur, it may be too late. Talk to your maintenance team at MaintenX to learn about your different waterproofing options and services. We are excited to serve you and help you prepare your facility for a better future. 

What Is An Elastomeric Coating?

Waterproofing your facility could one day save its life. Water damage is one of the top expenses for facility managers. When water gets in it can cause mold, mildew, rust, and equipment breakdowns – unwanted headaches. However, MaintenX offers a simple waterproofing solution: elastomeric coatings. 

Elastomeric coatings are a simple and effective roof waterproofing solution for all types of facilities. This external coating is applied to roofing and other exterior surface areas. As its name suggests, it is made of an “elastic” substance that expands or contracts in response to temperature changes, making it much easier for the roof to withstand outdoor conditions. This extra-thick and durable coating will waterproof and therefore extend the life of your roofing and walls.

Elastomeric coatings can be made from acrylic-based or water-based products. They are applied seamlessly as an impenetrable barrier between your roofing and the elements. Many acrylic-based elastomeric coatings provide a light-reflecting white coat that is both aesthetically appealing and energy-efficient. 

An elastomeric coating can provide more than structural benefits to your roofing; it can make your entire facility eco-friendlier. Elastomeric coatings protect your roof from UV rays, reducing the overall energy needs of the facility, especially during the summer. This, in turn, reduces your carbon footprint and energy costs. 

There are many other benefits of elastomeric coatings, such as:

  • Extending the lifespan of your roof and exterior surfaces
  • Maintaining structural integrity during periods of extreme temperatures and weather
  • Reducing energy costs by keeping your facility cool
  • Reducing the risk of roof leaks
  • Strengthening structures without adding weight
  • Reducing water and sun damage

While elastomeric coatings can be incredibly beneficial to commercial roofing, it is not a cure-all solution. These coatings can form holes or cracks just like any other coating, reducing their ability to protect your facility. Many elastomeric coatings also require a primer, which can add to their density. The additional thickness of the primer and coating on top of your roofing, when not applied properly, can create a rubbery and less-than-appealing look. In addition, this waterproofing measure can be costly to install.

Despite its challenges, MaintenX believes in the many benefits of elastomeric coatings. Talk to your MaintenX team to learn about roofing options for your facility. 

How To Prevent Mold, Mildew, and Rust At Your Facility

Mold, mildew, and rust are a facility manager’s worst nightmare. These structural issues can not only cause a loss of property value but can be precursors to accidents or damage to your facility equipment. If you see signs of these problems, it may be too late to stop equipment damage from following. 

Preventing the spread of mold, mildew, and rust requires knowledge and a proactive approach to maintenance. At MaintenX, we help our clients keep facility structures and equipment in tip-top shape. By preventing rust, mildew, and mold we reduce maintenance costs and keep your tenants happy. 

The first step to prevention is auditing. By identifying areas susceptible to water damage, you can better prepare and prevent mold, mildew, and rust. The two biggest culprits are leaks and areas of uncontrolled humidity. Your maintenance contractor should be able to help you predict water damage risks and develop a plan to prevent them with waterproofing and other maintenance services. 

After a thorough facility audit, you should budget and schedule waterproofing services for at-risk areas. Waterproofing is the most effective way to prevent water damages of all kinds. While the services may seem expensive, they can save you from costly, unexpected repairs on critical equipment. You have several waterproofing options to discuss with your maintenance team: 

  • Caulking – Caulking is the most common, and most affordable form of waterproofing. Caulk is typically used around cracks and openings such as windows and vents. Caulk should be regularly inspected for cracks or wear. 
  • Elastomeric coatings – This type of waterproof paint coating is ideal for roofing and other exterior surfaces of your facility. It creates a thin layer of waterproof protection that is resistant to all types of outdoor conditions and is relatively inexpensive.
  • Waterproof membrane – Waterproof membranes can be expensive, as they are applied at the time new roofing is being constructed. However, they provide the most durable water protection for commercial facilities. 

Investing in waterproofing will save you in the long-term on repairs and maintenance services. However, if you are already experiencing mold, mildew, or rust problems, there are several steps you can take to stop the issue in its tracks: 

Find the culprit. In order to stop mold, mildew, or rust from growing you must first find the water source that’s causing the damage. The only way to treat the problem, instead of symptoms, is by fixing the source. 

Remove the damaged surfaces. Unfortunately, the only way to truly remove mold, mildew, and rust is to extract it from the surface. You cannot reverse these types of damages and will have to invest in removal services for the damaged areas. 

If mold is the issue, treat your facility immediately. Mold is a fungus, and just like any other pest must be exterminated. You must stop new mold from growing where the original problem started which requires special chemicals and treatments from your maintenance team. Talk to your maintenance team about mold and stain removal options that are safe for your building and tenants. 

If you are experiencing mold, mildew, or rust problems at your facility, call MaintenX today. We can provide removal services as well as waterproofing services to keep your building in tip-top shape. Contact us today for more details. 

The Importance Of Waterproofing Your Facility Inside And Out

You may not consider waterproofing to be a top priority in facility maintenance. In fact, you may not even know if your facility roofing and exteriors have been waterproofed. While it can be tempting to put off maintenance chores like these, there are several reasons why waterproofing should be first on the list of your preventative maintenance tasks. 

Waterproofing benefits both the aesthetic appeal and lifespan of your facility. Waterproofing will prevent mold, mildew, and wood rot that can cause long-term headaches for facility managers and tenants. By waterproofing areas of the interior and exterior building, you can save yourself time, money, and a big hassle. 

If your facility is not currently waterproofed, you have several options from which to choose:

Elastomeric coating – This waterproofing solution is typically reserved for roofing. It is similar to a painted sealant that provides tough water protection for surfaces. Elastomeric coatings may also be used on walls for both interior and exterior protection. 

Caulking – Caulking is the most common form of waterproofing, typically applied to cracks and openings around doors, vents, windows, and gaps in walls. Caulking is an inexpensive and versatile waterproofing measure that will more than pay off in the end. 

Waterproof membrane – Waterproof membranes are typically applied when roofing materials are first applied. They provide a sealed layer between the core structure and external roofing. Waterproof membranes can be expensive but will enhance the integrity of the structure without adding significant density or weight to the roof. 

Waterproofing is most important in high traffic areas and places where water damage is a risk. Caulking doors and windows, as well as waterproofing in areas where water leaks are likely, reduces the likelihood of damage later on down the line. You can prevent:

  • Mold and mildew
  • Water stains
  • Rust
  • Odor from water damage
  • Premature wear of other coatings such as paint
  • Damage to structure and insulation
  • Increased pest problems

When planning for waterproofing services, some areas should be given a higher priority. Your roofing, plumbing, drainage, concrete structures, and areas where materials are joined together (such as windows) should be first on the list. A MaintenX technician can help you determine high versus low priority waterproofing needs. We offer honest advice and affordable rates to ensure our clients can protect their facilities at a lower cost. 

If you are interested in waterproofing options for your facility, contact MaintenX today. 

Keeping Up With Demand During The Holiday Season

The last days of autumn have come and gone, and the holiday season is about to be in full swing. This time can be especially stressful for businesses, whether in retail, manufacturing, or B2B services. You may be expecting increased customer foot traffic, or trying desperately to balance benchmarks with your hardworking employees’ needs. Increased equipment demand and foot traffic can wreak havoc on your facility if you are not fully prepared. 

MaintenX teams experience high demand during the holidays because our clients are hard at work for their own customers. We want to help you reduce downtime and put your best foot forward during the holiday season. Here are a few tips we’ve learned over the years that will help you make the 2019 season a breeze: 

Scheduled preventative maintenance prior to December 15th.

Shopping increases significantly two weeks before the 25th of December. While it will be busy throughout November and December, your busiest time will be right before the end of the month. You don’t want to have to make time and space for maintenance services during this period. Instead, call your MaintenX technicians now for preventative maintenance service. 

Upgrade your technology. 

According to a study conducted by CBRE, the average age of warehouses in the U.S. is roughly 34 years. This may not seem old, but a facility with technology that aged is much less efficient than its younger competitors. Talk to your maintenance team about energy-efficient and higher-powered equipment upgrades. This will help you meet holiday demands without wearing out old equipment and technologies. 

Increase available inventory. 

Inventory management is critical to a successful holiday season. As the facility manager, you know better than anyone the fine line between enough stock and too little. By using previous year sales data and current year targets, you can more accurately predict inventory needs. Increased demand could require upgrades on existing inventory management systems and equipment, or at the very least a maintenance check on your critical systems. 

With these strategies in your management plan, you can make this holiday season a success. Talk to MaintenX about preventative and reactive maintenance plans for your 2019 holiday season. 

Preparing Your Facility For 2020

With the New Year just around the corner, now is a great time to plan for your 2020 preventative maintenance program. As your facility expands, updating your preventative maintenance schedule will help you increase efficiency and save on operating costs in the new year. With the guidance of your MaintenX maintenance team, there is no reason you can’t achieve both of these goals.

The first step in preparing your facility for 2020 is to conduct a maintenance audit on all equipment. After immediate repairs and maintenance are performed, you can then prepare for the upcoming year with these preventative maintenance steps: 

Plan your 2020 preventative maintenance budget. 

Maintenance costs should not be an afterthought in your 2020 budget. Poor financial preparation for emergency and preventative repairs will get you into more trouble than it’s worth. As you sit down to prepare your maintenance budget, ask yourself, “What sort of repairs should we anticipate, and what upgrades do we want to start saving up for?” Financially planning for incremental upgrades as well as emergency repairs will set you up for success. 

Update your technology.

Too many facilities still rely on a reactive maintenance protocol for their facility’s major equipment. This system, while preventing unnecessary expenses, puts your facility at risk of major downtime and lost profits. By upgrading your facility’s maintenance technology to include a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), you can save money over time and ensure that setbacks don’t happen. 

Inspect your roof, HVAC, plumbing, and other critical systems. 

These systems and structural elements are often overlooked in commercial buildings until they cause a problem. While less glamorous than your main equipment, these building systems are critical to daily operations. Contact your MaintenX team to schedule an audit of your HVAC and plumbing systems, as well as a roof and backflow inspection. 

Schedule winter landscaping services. 

If you have landscaping to tend to at your storefront or facility, now is the time to schedule winter maintenance. Plan for pest control services, remove leaves, and clean gutters after the last of the fall season has passed over. You want to keep your storefront looking fresh all year round, not just in the spring and summer when it’s most noticeable. 

Review your maintenance contract. 

With each coming and passing year, your facility needs will change. If you have gained new facility space or equipment, it is important to discuss with your maintenance team new demands. You will also want to review scheduled versus performed services to cut unnecessary expenses. This will provide you with an optimized facility maintenance plan rather than an outdated checklist that won’t meet your true needs. 

If you’re ready to schedule success for 2020, talk to your MaintenX team today. We provide comprehensive preventative maintenance plans for facilities of all sizes. 

Maintenance Services Essential To Inventory Warehouses

Inventory warehouses serve a special need in corporate America and require vastly different maintenance than other facilities. Warehouses must run at maximum efficiency, and be able to keep inventory in pristine condition while keeping costs down. If you own a warehouse facility or are renting one, you need to invest in maintenance services for the long-term profitability of your business. 

At MaintenX we offer affordable maintenance services for inventory warehouse facilities. We understand your unique needs, and can care for your equipment while minimizing costs. Here is what we recommend to warehouse clients to keep their facilities in top shape: 

Acid-resistant floor coatings

If you have a warehouse, you likely have a forklift. This occasionally leak battery fluid, which will quickly erode your flooring if you don’t invest in acid-resistant coating. Acid-resistant flooring will also protect your floors from wear and tear, as it’s the strongest coating option for industrial applications. 

Floor cleaning service

Even with acid-resistant flooring, your warehouse floors will show wear and tear over time. By investing upfront in scrubbing, cleaning, and repair services, you can maintain a cleaner and healthier work environment for employees. This service is also essential when moving into a new warehouse after a previous tenant has moved out. 

Mechanical parts servicing

Your warehouse equipment needs to function on a daily basis to keep up with tight deadlines and customer demand. However, all machines break down eventually. By routinely repairing and replacing parts, you can extend the life of your vital equipment while saving up for upgrades. By caring for your equipment with preventative parts maintenance, you can extend the life of your investments and reduce emergency maintenance calls. 

Floor stencil painting

Many inventory management systems require floor stenciling to maintain efficiency. Stenciling allows you to keep track of inventory placement with easy-to-understand visuals. Plus, these markings are easy to remove or paint over between tenants. Floor stencil painting should be done before you begin operations to reduce downtime and offer maximum efficiency from the outset of operations. 

Warehouse cleaning and hauling

If you’re moving into a new warehouse, you will likely need help moving heavy machinery and inventory in. If you’re the facility manager, you may need to invest in cleaning services between tenants. While these services are necessary for warehouse owners and tenants, they are often hard to come by. Talk to MaintenX to learn about our cleaning and hauling services for commercial clients.   

If you own or operate an inventory warehouse, MaintenX can help you. We offer comprehensive warehouse maintenance services and the nation’s largest contractor network. You can find reputable MaintenX technicians to help with your every facility maintenance need in 13 states. Call us today for more information.